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I have a collection of N.G. that my father gave to me, it takes up to much space.

Some date back to the 40's to 2003, not sure if its complete.
Are their any particular issues or decades that are worth selling in good condition (or keeping for that matter)?

thanks for any help.

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Hello Ryan,

You could try selling them in "year" or "decade" sets. You could donate the 80's and 90's to a school or veteran's home, or to the Troops. The 1940's, 50's & 60's, 70's are good to sell too, like on eBay, post on Craigslist, or somewhere.
It would be hardest to try and advertise it as a "whole" big bulk...timewise, it takes the right person, plus some folks who would be interested, shy away from the high shipping it would take, unless they are local to you. You could also try and list them specifically on a foreign branch/site of eBay (where its not "dot-com", but like the countries' dot-whatever. Example, Canada ends in "dot-ca". Foreigners sometimes are seeking back issues, since back in time, they didn't necessarily have access to the American Editions - which were the only editions until 1996 or so.

You would need to know if/how many insert maps you have, people like to know if they are included or not. As well, people tend to picky about the condition of the spines, so be aware of how yours are.

This is off the top of my head. Let me know any other questions, or thoughts.

- Scott T. Shier

Thanks for the advice, I think I will give it a shot selling them by the decade. I think I will hold onto the most current issues, but donating some of them is a great idea as well.

Fortunately I do have the slip in maps, unfortunately most are in their own box and need to be sorted through.

Appreciate the help, it will go towards a use.

Do you know if their are any individual issues that are worth holding onto for value?
I have some from the 40's that are in pristine condition, and a few moon landing issues that are in great shape as well.
Just curious. Thanks again.

Ryan D.
Hi Ryan,

Well, there are several key issues, so to speak. The recent years I would call-out:

- Nov' 1993's WATER issue, which was a special issue, to make 13 for the year instead of 12,

- similarly, there is Feb. 1981' ENERGY issue - same thing. Often people are looking for both together..they are a good resource.

- Other key issues would be in general, ANY that cover a single topic (Sept. 2005's Africa issue, the late 90's had a Mexico issue, 1989 had an all-France issue, etc). The entire 1988 year is significant, being the Society's 100th Year, and most of them were enhanced from what was 'usual'.

Some people consider the "100 Best Special Numbers" list to be collectable; this was a list current up until 1971 compiled by a well-known dealer-advisor-collector, Edwin Buxbaum. He published 4 versions of "Collector's Guide to NGM" (1936, 1956, 1965, 1971). I can email you a list of this, with a brief note regarding their "importance". It might be an interesting idea to sell a grouping like this.

NOTE: for donating to schools, keep in mind the Art departments - they can often use them for projects. The school libraries have now been trending away from maintaining physical inventories, as they can now keep the master-sets on cd-roms. Many have given their old issues (book-binded) away, or worse...thrown them away - a real shame!

Veteran's homes (and retirement/nursing facilities) would, not surprisingly, be very interested in having the old issues (think WW2 generation and a bit after) - i.e., the 1940's through 60's.

There have been a total of THREE special HOLOGRAM issues:

* Nov. 1985's Human SKULL-anthropological discovery,
* Dec. 1988's EARTH issue,
* a special Laser-imaged BALD EAGLE issue, March 1984.
Especially if the holograms are still unscathed from scuffs and scratches, these are nice to find.

You also have the THREE Recordings issues:

* Aug. 1965's "Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill, w/ Excerpts from His Speeches" insert,
* Jan. 1979's "Songs of the Humpback Whales" insert,
* Dec. 1969's "Sounds of the SPACE-AGE" insert

These are considered more worthy if they are still intact/attached to the magazine, as issued (full-page size, with record not being "cut-out). People still seek out the records if they have been removed, because they fill in "gaps", or they want a listening copy and a "new" (still inserted) copy. [Officially called "Sound Sheets"]. I think it's regretable they did not do any more of these after 1979...

September 1986 - featured a "Smell Survey" which was groundbreaking at the time. This was a sealed insert supplement which was intended to opened, and then various spots were to be "scratch-and-sniffed". A great many of these were used and sent back to the researchers; they reported on the results a year later. This can be worthy too, if one still has this insert UNOPENED, un-used.

As for the map inserts...whichever ones you have, are best to be matched to their issues. It is, in my opinion not the effort/time to sell them individually. Key map supplements that are most likely in "demand" are the old art prints they issued back in the 1910' 20's 30's (i.e., 5 N.C. Wyeth art prints, Two night-time photography prints by George Shiras 3d, etc.). From what you said you do not possess these. In the 1940's there were still a few very artisitc World Maps, which featured cartouches and mini-information boxes placed around the layout. People do like to find these, as long as they are not damaged - age-toning is O.K.

Well Ryan, I hope I haven't gone on too much, and maybe this is helpful for your effort. I don't mind ever helping a person try and figure out what they have! You say you have "a few moon landing issues" ? I myself would be interested in 1 or 2 of those.

Have a good day, maybe we'll talk again. Like I said, I could email you a list of the "Best 100".

Scott S.
Thanks, this is great! Exactly what I was looking for.
I would love to see the list of the top 100, I just want
to be sure to hang on to the important ones.
My email is

Ryan D.
Hi Scott.... could you possibly e-mail me a list of the Top 100 as well? My e-mail is Thanks. - Kaleigh

Could you possibly e-mail me a list of the Top 100 as well? My e-mail is Thanks. - John Orlowski

I just viewed an email you wrote to Ryan on Feb 12 2008

I would love to have the list of "Best 100" National Georgraphics. I have trying to help a friend with several hundred Issues. Where would I find a pricing guide for
issues from the early 60's to present?

my email is , Thanks for your help, Phyllis S
Hi Scott,

Please could you possibly e-mail me a list of the Top 100 as well issues?
My direct contact:

Thank you in advance,

Kind Regards,
Hello Scott,
You gave very good advice. I have decades of unopened National Geographics. Would you be kind enough to send me the list?
Thanks much,
Carol H.
hey scott, iwould appreciate if you could please send me the top 100 list. my emails
To anyone who has the Top 100 list:
I too would appreciate very much if you could please send me the Top 100 List.
I have a whole lot of National Geographic magazines that may have value, so sending me the list would help me a lot.

Thank You

Please send a list of the "Best 100" to me at





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