National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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18887-1897 bound reprints for sale plus unbound reprintrs Vol 1 No 1 (lined reprint) and vol 1 No 4 (unlined reprint)

I have a perfect condition bound set from 1888-1897. The early mags are unlined and reddish in color so I "think" this is the second reprint. I acquired it many years ago so I forget which reprint it truly is. I also have Vol 1 # 1 and 4 as separate reprint magazines # 1 in lined and brown in color so I believe this to be from the first reprint and # 4 is not lined and reddish in color. Both are in mint condition.
Please contact me for more info or an offer.
Towar Vilas, Aurora, OH

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Hello Towar,

It sounds like you have both the 1964 and 1922 reprints. The 1922's were done in very limited qty.'s. The 1964 reprints were done as Oct. 1888 - Dec. 1907.

The 1922 reprints were in the small (actual original) size of the NGM. Until 1904, the NGM was not the same side (w*L) that we all know it today. And, these 1922's do have the light horizontal "lines" running down the covers - this was intentional to be distinct from originals.

The 1964 reprints were made in a much higher (1,000 per issue) quantity. Further, they were printed with extra margin space so as to be in "uniform" size/shape as 1904-present. You have the BOUND books for 1888-1897 then? The 1964's were also reproduced on better paper (coated, heavier lbs.) for durability.

You ALSO have a few individual copies (loose), and these are only the 1922's yes?

There were FIVE different cover styles (formats) between 1888-1910:
The 1st style was dark brick red 1888-1895,
then 2nd style was (1896-1899) were a beige w/ thin red outlines of a globe.
The 3rd style was only 1900 - plain beige w/ black lettering.
The 4th style (1901-1903) was dark maroon-ish, w/ thick black lettering and and "oval" shape @ top portion,
1904-Jan. 1910 was the 5th format, with yellowish, fiber-y paper, & had brown lettering and a fancy border.

Thusly, we get to Feb. 1910, with the familiar Yellow Border, but a different shade. The illustrations started in 1959, w/ photographs commencing in 1960.

Well, there's some info. to hopefully clear it up/fiill in a little !

~ Scott T. Shier
I have seen you on the collectors corner, but never communicated with you. I think we are the only 2 in the NE Ohio area listed. Do these bound issues have the globe and airplane on the cover? If so, I may be interested. I have a complete collection of this bound version from 1917-1943.
Awaiting your reply
Brunswick, Ohio
1896 & 1897 have the globe on the covers. In the center of teh globe is the then Nat Geo logo of a scrolled map inside the circle. I don't see an airplane. The earlier ones are the dark brown covers. All say "reprint" on the bottom of each cover. You are close enough you should come see them. I am in easy shot from 480/ 422 or the turnpike.

Hi Kurt
I didn't hear back from you. Do I assume you aren't interested? Give me a call if you wish- 330-562-4532


Have you heard back from Kurt? If you didn't I would expect that he is on another of his lengthy and routine trips (he "gets around" the globe) Heh heh.

I am also giving this page/post link to someone who is interested in finding NGM's from this time period, so maybe you will see him on here, communicating w/ you.

have a great week!

~ Scott S.
I never heard from anyone who was interested about the posting. If you know someone who would have an interest in the bound reprints, please pass it on. Thanks

hey anyone know about those lines on the 22 reprints? i have what look like vol 1 2 and 4. they are smaller sized, dark redish. i dont see printed lines but there are what look like fold or crease marks ( not folded or creased though) down the front and mabey like water mark horizontal tiny lines across (though its still not any really printed lines) mostly it just looks like the pic on the left in the icons above on this page. says inc 1888 on cover and may 1889 on vol 4 inside the cover.



Scott's description in the first reply on this thread above is spot on for the 1922 reprints.


They were NGS authorized reprints of the original Vol I numbers 2 and 4 issues (only). They were contracted for publication in 1922 (only) and were exact replicas in size and content with the noted exceptions, i.e. dark brown in color (vs brick red in the original) and with light horizontal lines embedded in the cover paper (vs none in the original).


I have seen them sell from $40 to $150 in fine condition, though I did observe an auction where they were purchased for over $1,000. I sincerely believe that buyer did not fully understand what was being auctioned.


Hope this answers your question.





Correction - I failed to correct the one "mistake" in the description...

The embedded light lines run "vertically" (top to bottom) not horizontally (side to side) in the 1922 reprints.



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