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Checkoff Guide For All National Geographic Maps and Supplements from 1888 to 2014


Hi Richard,

The above link is to a check off list of all national Geographic Maps and supplements from 1888 to 2014...... Hope this helps you out


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Your compiling efforts are much applauded!

Hi, Phil,

Great list!  I noticed you didn't include the Oct. 2013 poster simply titled "125 1888-2013".  It has perfs for removal so I think it qualifies as a "poster".  Also, a belated thanks for all your images you've provided Mike for his XYZ Collectibles site.



       I left it out because I'm not sure whether its a Canon add or a Nat Geo Supplement  or both. Maybe somebody here at the corner will help me out. If the consensus here is that it's a supplement  or both then I can easily add it to the above list .



       Looking back at this list I noticed I did list the June 2007 DOW  H2O supplement.  I just added the 125  supplement to the list.

Thanks for your attentiveness to my forgetfulness,


The front appears to be part of the photography article, same format and layout, so I'd consider it a NatGeo poster. IMHO they just sold advertisement on the back.


      On the list above I have added the Feb 2014 poster on the Cathedral of Florence and the Famous Domes in the World. I am also posting pics of the poster in the photo section..


Philip, you must get your issues delivered super-early: I always have to wait until the 30th/1-2nd to get mine.


   It varies but this month was much earlier than usual. I usually get them on the last week of the month.


I got my Feb. 2014 issue today as we'll. Your images look great as usual. Could you forward the last three (If all the ice melts, 125, & Florence) to Mike Christie so he can post them on his website?


            I've posted the Ice Melts and the 125 on his site as he has posted those supplements. When he posts the Florence file I'll post the pic for the post  into my collection on the site. He then takes them from my collection for the entire site.




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