National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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I have almost a complete set of NG Mags for 1951 through to 1961. I am missing just the following months:

1952  March

1953  March, September

1954  March


They are all in really good condition ( however they could not be fairly called mint as they have all been welk read). I simply have no room to store and would like to dispose of them. I wil give them to a school , college or other genuine educational establishment or, if no contact,  sell them. I propose putting them on E Bay in a week's time if no one has contacted me in the  meantime.


Just going through them makes me all wistful; just been looking at the 1954 Everest version. I regard the NG's ( older ones that is ) is a stunning piece of social history showing all too vividly our changing world. Beats looking at a PC screen any time.


Jonathan Hood



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Hi Jonathan,


Yes, you are quite correct -- looking at those in your own hands sure beats computer screens and modern television re-runs anytime!! (especially the "golden age" of about 1910-1950).



best regards,


~ Scott T. Shier

i have decided not toEBay them as I am determined to find a home which will use them as they ought to be used rather than form part of a hoard! So, in short , I still await hearing from someone out there with the name of a suitable home.


Jonathan Hood



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