National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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I am interested in finding/purchasing a copy of the National Geographic Special, "Voyage of the Brigantine Yankee", broadcast in 1966 on CBS TV. If you should have this video on tape or DVD or can direct me to someone that might, I would be most appreciative of any information. Thank-you. David Bogart

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Speaking for myself, I do not believe that this special is even (or ever has been) available on video. Many of these early "specials" - the original specials that the N.G.S. produced, have NOT been released on video.

I have often hoped and wished that they did release them, as I have wanted to see "Americans on Everest" and the original Jane Goodall special !!

- Scott T. Shier
I agree, I have been trying to track down any type of copy of Voyage of the Brigantine Yankee with no success.
This special captured my imagination when I was 9 years old.....many years ago, and I would dearly love to have a copy.
David & Tracy

This special also captured my imagination when I was 8 yrs old. I searched for many years for a copy, on any type of media, without luck.

Then, a couple of months ago, I found it on 16mm film. It's on two large 1200 ft reels. I had to buy a 16mm projector to watch it, but hey, small price to pay, right? lol

I plan to contact NGS and see why they never released it on video. If it's because something happened to the master I'd be willing to lend them my copy to do a digital transfer. My film is in excellent condition except for a redish tint (which should be easy to remove once it's been transferred).

The Yankee may be gone, but at least one film print of this special still exists!

- Bill
Thank-you Bill - I had about given up on finding any positive leads and hope you have some success with NGS. I am sure costs would be prohibitive to do this privately, nor would the quality be as good, but like the other respondents, I would dearly love to have a copy.

A little background for you. My father had an avid interest in sailing and I grew up in a sailing family complete with a 50 foot gaff-rigged schooner, hearing about and looking at all the books and National Geographic magazines about the Johnson's voyages aboard Yankee . My only first-hand experience with her was in 1958 or 1959. We were living in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and heard that the Yankee was visiting. My dad, brother and I (12 years old) loaded up our 10-foot sailing dingy to go take a look at her. As it turned out, just as we were approaching hailing distance, she got underway, under sail no less in the narrow channel. We sailed next to her for some beautiful moments that I will always cherish until she raised that one last sail that allowed her to accelerate silently, effortlessly away from us. What a sight! She was a beautiful sailing ship and Irving Johnson nothing less than a genius in outfitting and commanding her. Sadly, as I later learned, she was heading home to Gloucster to complete her last voyage with the Johnson's.

I never saw the NGS special! Turns out I was in military school in 1966 with no TV privileges. But I never forgot about it, hoping it would be shown again. My favorite image and one that I had framed is from the December 1959 Geographic, cover and page 771, of Yankee under full sail in the Pacific. I have also looked for larger copy of this photograph to no avail. My least favorite photo, probably shared by all of us, is of Yankee hard aground for the last time on the reef in Rarotonga. By the way, on exchange during my military school days, I had the opportunity to sail aboard the Coast Guard Academy's Eagle for three weeks and, one quiet, moonlit night, I had the helm of this 295-foot square rigger alone for over three hours with not another soul in sight! Guess I should have been a sailor and not an aviator ...

Thanks for your replies and allowing me a moment to revisit Yankee. Let us know of your success with NGS. There are more than a few of us waiting. Thank-you - David
Hi David,
I have a copy of the Voyage of the Brigantine Yankee that I taped from my local station in the late 70's. I also have the Yankee Sails across Europe. (complete with vintage commercials). I've cleaned them up in iMovie and have them on my AppleTV. The quality is pretty good considering they were recorded on my 1977 Curtis Mathis VCR. ;). I would be willing to share these with you as long as National Geographic won't send one of their lawyers to my door and demand my first born son. I contacted NGS several years ago to request info on buying a copy of these classics and received a generic response that they were considering it. Hve not heard any followup since.
Good Morning Stuart - I would have replied immediately but ran into the "new" Ning ID requirements to gain access to my own discussion item! I basically had to sign up for Ning and be approved by NGS Collector's Corner - again. At at rate I am excited to hear that you have a taped copy of the 'Voyage of the Brigantine Yankee'. If we can work out a way to share this treasure to our mutual satisfaction I would be most eager to do so. I don't know about the NGS lawyers, but in my online quest to obtain a copy of this presentation, I remember running across something to the effect that NGS released their rights to it in the 1976 timeframe. I will try and recover that information for you, but personally doubt that the NGS would come after you. I can be reached at and, if you can respond to me there, I will send you more contact information and work out the details. Can't thank you enough for responding. Hope to hear from you soon and that the oil in the loop current doesn't find it's way to your beaches - David Bogart
Stuart - I've been looking for a copy of Voyage of Brigantine Yankee for many years and I would be greatly appeciative if I could buy a copy from you. Please advise by a message to my email address below whether that's feasible.
Many thanks in advance,
John Phillips

hi stuart,

my father was on the yankee when it got shipwrecked. he was just retelling me some of the stories of that day and i thought i would look online to see if there was any dvd footage - and i came accross your message here.

i know you wrote this nearly 2 yrs ago now, and hopefully you will see this message, but i would dearly love to buy a copy off you (if thats ok) for my dad.

he would be soooooooooooo happy. he's nearly 70 now and he has a great memory of that time and i know how much he would appreciate a copy.

so if you would make an old man happy please email me

thank you very much

lucy x

Hello Stuart-

  Like the others, I would love to get a hold of any Yankee footage. Please advise, if purchase is feasible. Much appreciated. Or anybody??

Bob Bloyer

Did you ever get a reply to your post from Stuart Sarjeant?

Hello Jim-

  I have never received a reply from Stuart nor anyone else. I have e-mailed a lady who's relative was on the Yankee also, got her email somewhere during an on line search but never a reply from her. I have never received a undeliverable reply to the addresses so hard to tell what became of my inquiries. I seem to have stalled in my search for video of the Yankee. Currently, I'm upset with the HMS Bounty disaster and also followed this boat as I did the Yankee. Sorry to see the fate of two great ships. Keep me posted if you find anything, good luck-


I would love to get a copy of any quality of the Brigantine Yankee in Europe. When they went through the Netherlands, they covered an event called "Fier Ljeppen" in which my great uncle Jetse Jorritsma participated. We saw him on TV back when, but were technology challenged and had no ability to record. It would be so cool to have the footage of just that one event . If you would, please reply to this post and let me know what I need to do to get things going that direction. Thanks!



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