National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Hello, everyone. I'm a new member here, and I hope that I can find some advice. You see, some time ago I inherited very handsome, black leather-bound volumes of the magazine, with all the issues of 1911 bound into one volume, and with all the issues of 1912 through 1915 bound into two volumes for each year. According to a small sticker in each volume, and according to a bookplate in each volume, the binding was done privately at the Hub Book Bindery in Boston for Harry West Haley. I know just enough about valuing NGMs to note that the covers of the individual issues are not included, and that all advertisements (which I assume were presented all together at the end or beginning of each issue in those years) are also not included. I also can't see that any "supplements" are included, but I'm not sure what they were. On the other hand, I can see that foldouts (some quite large) are included. As to condition, I'm not sure how to grade such old magazines, but I would have to say that they have been very well protected, and must be "very good" at least. So, ok, my decision now is to sell these volumes, but I'm not sure how to value the set and where to auction them. Can anyone proffer me some advice? Any and all advice will be much appreciated. Thank you. Oh, I attach a photo.

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        1911    May             Mexico         



        1911    Jun.            Our Mountain Panorama (Canadian Rockies)--8 foot pictorial!



        1911    Dec.            Pictorial - The Palms



        1912    Jan.            Countries Bordering the Mediterranean Sea              



        1912    Feb.            Pictorial - Bird's Eye View of the Panama Canal            



        1912    May             Pictorial - Majesty of the Materhorn



        1912    Oct.             China and its territories



        1912    Dec.             Pictorial - The Lure of the Frozen Desert



        1913    Feb.             Central America



        1913    Apr.              Pictorial  - Ruins of Machu Picchu



        1913    May              Pictorial  - Monarch of the Canadian Rockies-Mount Robson



        1913    Jul.               Pictorial  - Doe and Twin Fawns



        1914    Feb.              Alaska         



        1914    May              Mexico         



        1914    Aug.             New Balkan States and Central Europe           



        1915    Mar.              Pictorial  - Mall in Washington



        1915    Mar.              Pictorial  - Ultimate Washington



        1915    Jul.               Europe and Adjoining Portions of Africa and Asia      



 Hi Dan,

 The above spreadsheet lists all the maps and supplements for the years 1911-1915. If you have all of these that will increase the value of your set. The most important supplements   are 6/11, 5/12, 4/13(most valuable), + 5/13. In the condition you have with their slipcases your volumes are worth anywhere from $20 to $75 each with the exception of April 1913 which could go to $100 + if you have the supplement. E-Bay would be a good place to try to sell them.. Try selling them as a set first. If that doesn't work then sell them individually.

I hope this helps you out in selling your nice set...



Thank you, Phil, for your reply. You have been extremely generous with your time and expertise.

OK, now I think I understand what a "supplement" is. I was thinking it was some sort of additional booklet included with the magazine, similar to weekend newspaper 'supplements.' But now I understand a supplement to be what I would otherwise call a fold-out (map or pictorial), and I was able to check my set. And I find that -- of the supplements which you list for the years 1911-1915 -- my set has about 11 of them bound in as fold-outs, including the apparently much coveted pictorial of the ruins of Machu Picchu in the April 1913 issue.

But now I have a question about terminology and valuation. You speak of my "volumes" being worth "anywhere from $20 to $75 each." Now by "volume" I would understand a complete year of 12 monthly issues. Hence 5 yearly volumes x $20 would be $100 for my set -- which doesn't seem like very much. Yet you speak of the April 1913 monthly issue (with supplement) being worth $100 or more by itself. So I'm wondering:  Do you mean that each monthly issue in my set  could be worth from $20 up? In that case my set could be worth closer to $1,200 (being 5 years x 12 monthly issues x $20), which is a much more princely sum. So, I wonder, could you spare another few minutes to clear up my confusion on this point? Then I will be able to set up an eBay auction.

Again, many thanks! And with best wishes, Dan

Hi Dan,

By volume I mean each book of 12 issues (1911) or of  6  issues. The average price received on E-Bay for each book from 1911-1915 is only $19.95.  Bound volumes(Books) are valued much, much less than individual monthly issues. For your 9 books that would be $180. BUT the Jan-June 1913 book with supplement could easily be worth $100 + ( an individual April 1913 issue in very good condition with supplement can bring $300.00). You should be able to get a minimum of  $160 for 8 of your volumes(Books) and $100 for the Jan-June 1913 Book for a total of $260.00 I hope this is clear enough...



Phil, I thank you again. Your messages have been most educational and useful to me. Of course, you can probably sense that I -- as a newbie to NGM magazine collecting -- originally had an exaggerated idea of the value of my 100 year-old volumes. (After all, they are so handsome!)  But you have moved my expectations closer to reality. I guess I should now move on to listing my volumes on eBay, and allow the market to determine their exact value. With gratitude and appreciation, Dan



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