National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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I originally posted about these volumes a few years ago. 

Our local library received them as a donation for our annual Friends of the Library sale. I wanted to get a value for them, so we could try and sell locally to avoid postage and handling fees. I was told to sell for $350 and not less than $200

After 3 sales and no local interest, I'm asking this group if there is anyone who would like to purchase? 

I just want to get these old volumes to someone who will enjoy them. I also want to cover postage plus getting $150 -$200 for our Friends of the Library.

If you're interested in any or all of these, please let me know. I'm happy to answer any questions. 

Thanks so much.

Sabra Breslin

Membership Chair and Moderator for Friends of the Blue Ridge Library

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Good day. Do you still have those for sale? I sent invite so I can message you :)


Respond to  Joe  @

Hi Joe,

The NG reprints are still available.

Let me know if you have an interest. 

Sabra Breslin

This is so sad, Sabra.

Yesterday I completed my NG collection. I purchased the 1964 reprints 1888-1907 (for $1,250) and had to drive there to pick them up.

I realize no one will want them after I am gone.

This Collectors Corner website has about 2 posts a month.

We are the last generation of collectors. Sniff, sniff...


Hi Keith,

Sorry you didn't see my post - I could have saved you a few hundred dollars! I still have the NG reprints, but at the Spring book sale, a young man was very interested, but didn't have enough money or room in his car (he was on his way back to Tennessee). He said he would try to pass through the area and if they were still available would make sure he had enough money and space! I think there are still collectors out there, but definitely not as many as there once were. My husband collects old pocket watches and the market has fallen off for them dramatically. Some of his friends have sold for the value of the gold. Very sad.

Glad you completed your set!




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