National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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  • Male
  • Melbourne, Victoria
  • Australia
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Dale's Friends

  • Bill Riessen
  • Sally
  • Ron Choquette
  • Jeffry Persons
  • fred phillips
  • Sean o'donnell
  • Jeremy Polunsky
  • Philip Riviere
  • Melvin L. De Vilbiss
  • Scott T. Shier

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Ron Choquette and Dale are now friends
Mar 8
Dale replied to Nemanja's discussion List of the most valuable issues for collection
"Hi Nemanja, just wanted to give you my thoughts as a supplement to the information Scott has provided. 1. Once you get into NGS collecting, you'll realize there are so many different categories of NG collectibles. The NG Magazine is the most…"
Jan 25, 2023
Dale replied to Tobias Moore's discussion Collection Information/Worth
"Hi Tobias, National Geographic never bound their own magazines, at least not for public sale. There were a small number of independent publishers/book-binders, such as Albrecht, that published covers for the NGM. People could buy these covers and…"
Jan 23, 2023
Dale replied to Tobias Moore's discussion Collection Information/Worth
"These all appear to be what is called the Albrecht 'plane-and-globe' binding, which most would consider one of the better or more attractive bindings for the NGM. It is very rare to find such an extensive collection covering the years 1918…"
Jan 23, 2023
Dale replied to Larry Moffett's discussion Geographic News Bulletins in the group National Geographic Magazine's "sibling" publications (one big happy family)
"Hi Larry I saw your email about selling Volume 14 of the School Bulletins. I am interested in your Volumes 15 and 18 sets. Are you selling these? You can email me Thanks Dale"
Jun 2, 2022
Dale and Bill Riessen are now friends
Apr 13, 2019
Dale joined Scott T. Shier's group

National Geographic Magazine's "sibling" publications (one big happy family)

Greetings,this sub-group can cover all minutiae related to the now-numerous "sister" publications to the venerable NGM.    To wit, here's a run-down in chronological order... the old 'News Bulletin' for schools(the) School Bulletin  {+ World Traveler}Reach ,WORLD Magazine ,Traveler ,Research Journal (aka Research & Exploration) ,Adventure ,Kids! ,(the) Green Guide,Explorer! ,Little Kids ,Exploring History ,History ,NatGeo WILD! ,Science ,NG Bird Watcher newsletterand also: the Collector's…See More
Apr 13, 2019

Profile Information

Melbourne, Australia
Why do you wish to join this community?
I collect everything and anything to do with the NGS
About Me:
If you want a challenge, try collecting National Geographic Magazines from Australia!! Feel free to contact me at:
Favorite travel destination:
The US

Comment Wall (10 comments)

At 12:28pm on May 17, 2011, Andrew voelkel said…
I have a collection of national geographic magazines from 1931 to present looking for a ball park figure of what there worth, and if you know any websites that have buyers?
Thank you
At 11:37pm on April 3, 2012, Sean o'donnell said…
Hi Dale it is sean I asked you about the annuals before and you were spot on thanks just wanted to say what a nice collection you have I only just seen the photos of it do you collect most things to do with geo as I am in two minds about annuals I have got a lot of them but only seven of the ones I mentioned before unfortunately I must say thanks again for helping me it is good to no someone who is very knowledgeable about geos see you later mate. Sean
At 8:02pm on October 23, 2013, David Levey said…

Let me know when you are in DC next- I'm located just a few blocks from Nat Geo HQ. Send an e-mail to



At 10:17am on February 3, 2015, Jeffry Persons said…

Hi Dale,

You have mentioned some good friends.  I have not talked with Howard and his wife Jane for years.  I purchased some unique items from them.  I basically stopped collecting in the early 2000's as it became harder and harder to fine the items I wanted; also my collection is so large it developed a life of its own.  There is not much that I don't have.  I would like to talk with you about collecting.  My email is


At 8:11pm on October 17, 2017, Sally said…

Hi Dale is this Dale Murphy any advice re rehousinga 1960's collection !

At 4:43pm on October 31, 2017, Sally said…

Hi Dale sorry kept getting distracted.

1964/5 to 1990 more earlier ones

 Not complete set !

At 6:36am on November 1, 2017, Dale said…

Hi Sally, exactly what are you asking about?


At 7:42am on November 1, 2017, Sally said…

Any suggestions what should I do with them other then throw them out ! Thanks Just feels wrong !

At 9:38am on November 1, 2017, Dale said…

Three options:

1. I know a collector in Melbourne who is looking for many of the magazines you have and might be prepared to cover costs for posting them to Melbourne, or pick them up. You'd have to send me your email address so I can forward it to them so you can both discuss.

2. Give them to the Salvos (or any Opportunity Shop). They usually sell them. Old magazines make great dentist/doctor waiting-room reading.

3. Give them to a primary school who may use them for their pictures for projects, etc.

4. Put an free ad in one of those online sales sites (Gumtree?) to sell individual magazines as gifts for individual birthdays (birth month).

I would be interested in getting the December 1960 issue. Although I already have copies of this, I want one to keep with some Apollo 11 memorabilia I have.

Please don't throw them out.....

At 2:44pm on November 1, 2017, Sally said…

Thanks Dale

Thanks again

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