Hey Everyone,
Been going through my collection of NG's and in my January 1943 issue a found an interesting letter addressed to "the members of the national geographic residing in the British Isles." It describes how some of the issues from 1942 (August and November) have had some unforeseen delays getting to those members and reassures that they will get them in the near future.
Was curious if any one knows what caused the delays? My thought was maybe some German U boats sunk the boat carrying the issues on it but it could be something else.
Also wondering if every issue from January 1943 had a letter with it? or was the letter just sent to those members of the British Isles?
Please let me know your thoughts
That's a really cool letter to find in your NGM issue, Douglas. I would think that only the British editions had that letter placed in them (intentionally, that is).
Thanks for sharing.
- Scott
Thanks. I guess I was lucky to find it because I am collecting in Canada
The November 1942 issues meant for Great Britain were on a ship that sunk with all its cargo. Those issues were reprinted and sent off to Great Britain.
Thanks Stephen! Do you have any more details on how the boat sunk? or the name of the boat?
I am just really curious
I found the information in a book by Howard S. Abramson called National Geographic Behind America's Lens on the World. There was no information on the name of the boat or how it sunk. 35,000 copies of the November 1942 issue were sent to English subscribers.
This is an excellent find, Douglas. Thank you for posting this.
And thank you, Stephen, for the follow-up clarification.
No worries!
Thank you for sharing this bit of history Douglas, great find!
No worries! All you guys post so many interesting things thought I'd try contribute for once
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