National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Douglas Groenendijk
  • Male
  • British Columbia
  • Canada
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Douglas Groenendijk's Friends

  • Angie Rushton
  • Brenda Mattingly
  • Todd Taylor
  • Michael Gallacher
  • Michael
  • Richard Riney
  • Thomas Jovin

Douglas Groenendijk's Discussions

Found these Supplements in Collection
4 Replies

Hello,I was going through my collection and found these two items loose. Must have fallen out at some point. Was wondering if anyone knows which Issue these two supplements belong in? Pictures…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Douglas Groenendijk May 10, 2021.

Ideal Humidity for National Geographic Magazines?
3 Replies

Hey Everyone,I recently just bought a Dehumidifier and was wondering what is the ideal humidity % for preserving my National Geographic Magazine Collection?ThanksContinue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Wildbunch Aug 17, 2022.

Interesting Letter Found in January 1943 WW2
10 Replies

Hey Everyone,Been going through my collection of NG's and in my January 1943 issue a found an interesting letter addressed to "the members of the national geographic residing in the British Isles."…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Alex Francis May 29, 2020.

Need Help Identifying 1896 Map?
4 Replies

Hello,I was going through my map collection and stumbled across this map. I am not to sure if this a supplement map or if it was a page within the issue itself. There is a date on the map of 1896. I…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Douglas Groenendijk Jul 25, 2019.

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Latest Activity

Wildbunch replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Ideal Humidity for National Geographic Magazines?
"Call LOC, and they will tell you the best humidity for books and magazines."
Aug 17, 2022
Richard Kennedy replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion 1895 Monograph's Values?
"Paul, Please send me a photo or scan of the monograph cover. Thank you. Richard"
Sep 18, 2021
Paul Ledman replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion 1895 Monograph's Values?
"I just came across this thread and realized I have Monograph #3; I assume it's Vol 2 since I don't see a volume number on the cover. I don't collect these so if anyone is interested in it, feel free to contact me. Paul"
Sep 18, 2021
Douglas Groenendijk replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Found these Supplements in Collection
"Thanks Scott, appreciate your help!"
May 10, 2021
Douglas Groenendijk replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Found these Supplements in Collection
"Thanks for answering my question I couldn't find a place for them. Take Care"
May 10, 2021
Scott T. Shier replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Found these Supplements in Collection
"Alas, neither of those are not NGS publications . . . "
May 10, 2021
Melvin L. De Vilbiss replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Found these Supplements in Collection
"I don't believe either one is/was a supplement to the magazine. Perhaps some other NGS publication - but not the magazine."
May 9, 2021
Douglas Groenendijk posted a discussion

Found these Supplements in Collection

Hello,I was going through my collection and found these two items loose. Must have fallen out at some point. Was wondering if anyone knows which Issue these two supplements belong in? Pictures belowThanksSee More
May 6, 2021
Douglas Groenendijk replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Ideal Humidity for National Geographic Magazines?
"Thanks for your advice!"
Aug 18, 2020
Keith Sargent replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Ideal Humidity for National Geographic Magazines?
"35%. "Keep books in rooms with relatively low humidity. In very hot climates, books can start to warp. Ideally, you should keep the relative humidity around 35%. Humidity causes binding to warp, paper to curl, pages to mold..." 3…"
Aug 13, 2020
Richard Riney and Douglas Groenendijk are now friends
Aug 3, 2020
Douglas Groenendijk posted a discussion

Ideal Humidity for National Geographic Magazines?

Hey Everyone,I recently just bought a Dehumidifier and was wondering what is the ideal humidity % for preserving my National Geographic Magazine Collection?ThanksSee More
Jun 22, 2020
stephen zamarin replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Interesting Letter Found in January 1943 WW2
"Hi, I found the information in a book by Howard S. Abramson called National Geographic Behind America's Lens on the World.  There was no information on the name of the boat or how it sunk. 35,000 copies of the November 1942 issue were sent…"
May 22, 2020
Douglas Groenendijk replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Interesting Letter Found in January 1943 WW2
"No worries! All you guys post so many interesting things thought I'd try contribute for once "
May 18, 2020
Douglas Groenendijk replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Interesting Letter Found in January 1943 WW2
"No worries!"
May 18, 2020
Douglas Groenendijk replied to Douglas Groenendijk's discussion Interesting Letter Found in January 1943 WW2
"Thanks Stephen! Do you have any more details on how the boat sunk? or the name of the boat?I am just really curious"
May 18, 2020

Profile Information

Why do you wish to join this community?
To help my Dad Complete his collection.
About Me:
I am a university student trying to help my dad reach his goal of a complete collection.

Comment Wall (4 comments)

At 4:42am on December 20, 2018, Antonio Leite de Castro said…


Do you have some 1900 numbers , and amrch 1904 to sell?

Thank you

best regards

antonio leite castro

At 5:19pm on January 4, 2019, Michael said…

Douglas - thanks for reaching out.  I took opportunity to read through (thoroughly enjoyed, educational beyond description).  I will be looking to sell if you are interested.  Thanks again for following up.

At 1:45pm on January 7, 2019, Douglas Groenendijk said…

Sorry Antonio at this moment I do not have any issues for sale. I am currently in the collecting stage.

At 8:45am on April 14, 2019, Todd Taylor said…

Hello Douglas.

My collection consists of the following:

Nov,Dec 1913

Aug 1919

all 1946

all but March 1947

Oct 1953

all 1963

all but Feb 1964

all 1965

all 1966

all 1967

all 1968

all 1969

all 1970

all 1971

all 1972

all 1973

all 1974

all 1975

all but Dec 1976

all 1977

all 1978

all 1979

all 1980

all 1981

and a set of hard bound NGM starting with volume #25 (Jan 1914) to volume 87 (Jan 1945).

Also a hard bound cumulative indexd 1899-1940.

Are you interested in any of this?



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