National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Hello folks ,

There is a plethera of fine advice and knowledge here .
I have bound volumes from 1908 to 1940 , and full years from 1940 to present all indvidual magazines .
I am doing research on the bound Volumes , when they were created . They have a blue/black cover and faded gold lettering . An example . 1909 VOL XX comprises the full year , ads have been removed . The same as my 1911 Volume .
How old would they be ? How to appraise . Preserve too .

Any help would be appreciated .

Thanks ,


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I am looking for a quality photo copy of the artical entitled The Tailed People of Nigeria, found in the Dec 1912 issue. Can you help me out on this? I live in Nigeria and am the chairwoman of the African Book Group, the longest running book club on the West coast of Africa. Last year we read three different books mentioning tailed people and I have about given up ever finding this issue. The Archives Desk at Nat Geo suggusted this site. Can you help?

Marla Kunfermann
Maria hi ,

Email me and I'll see what I can do for you . Do you have an email address ?

have a fine day ,

Hi Bill, and hello Marla,

Bill - if you are not able to aid Marla in what she is looking for, let me know. I may be able to help. I'd have to double-check, but I think I still have Dec. 1912 (without covers).

Marla - I could arrange to send it to you, perhaps.

have a great week,

Scott T. Shier
Hi Scott ,\
Haven't heard back from Maria , feel free to help if you are able .

thank-you ,


If you need some help with the collection let me know, appraisals would be determined on the type of binding and conditions, plus additional supplements.
Thanks Sam ! Yes I'd like to talk to you , perhaps send some photos , etc . I am at .

have a good day ,.




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