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Another question to ponder - or is that a ponderous question? - re: March 1903 issue

For every “original” issue I’ve seen for 1903 – all the advertising pages follow the last printed page of the issue preceding the back cover.


However, in my bound 1964 reprint, the advertising pages for the March 1903 issue follow the FRONT cover immediately preceding the first page of the issue – no ads are in the back.


Two-part question:

Does this same format appear in the individual magazine reprints of 1964 for the March 1903 issue and/or has anyone discovered an original with this different (i.e. ads in front vs. rear) formatting?


The National Geographic Society took apart an “original” set to make photocopies for their reprint issues (both bound and individual) of 1964. I know this original set had “original reprints” (i.e. a second production run during the year of issue due to higher than anticipated demand) that had a few minor differences with the first run.


I have discovered other anomalies through the years (such as the August 1964 question I asked earlier) between the reprints and originals.


Any thoughts?

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Another "fun" aspect could be if you throw in the scarce, limited 1922 reprints as well -- then what discrepancies in ads might one find? (Maybe none at all).

Alas, I cannot comment much on your ponderous ponderings (ha-ha) becasue I did not keep my 1922 reprints, and I also only have the 1964 reprint set (bound) for 1888-1907. So I cannot do any comparing at my end of things!

- Scott S.

Which issues were included in the 1922 reprints?

Have you observed any March 1903 originals with the different placement of the ads, i.e. behind the front cover instead of in front of the rear cover?

Alas, I do not personally own any of the "original" copies of NGM for the period 1888 - 1907 (only the bound 1964 reprint set).

As for the 1922 reprints, according to Roger Nathan's 1982 "Collectibles of the National Geographic Society", page 15, 3rd paragraph:

"Vol. I, No. 2 and Vol. I, No. 4 were reprinted in 1922 because of a demand for these two hard-to-find issues. The covers are of brown paper with visible vertical lines. The dimensions are 6 1/4" x 9 3/8". "

And, further info. on anomolies!

Roger Nathan, page 15, paragraph 4:

"The issue date printed in the 1922 reprint of Vol. I, No. 4 is May 1889. The 1964 reprint of Vol. I, No. 4 is dated May 1889. Original copies have been found with either the date of May 1889 or October 1889. In NGS Cumulative Indexes October 1889 is the date given for articles appearing in Vol. I, No. 4. "

talk with you later,

Scott S.



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