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Supplement for January 2011 ? (Phil, Scott, Mel, Tom, ...anyone?)

Hello all,

           I was wondering if anyone else had a copy of the January 2011 supplement?

           I was curious as I didn't even see it in Philip's album of supplements.

           I have one myself and was wondering if it wasn't included because is was actually a small booklet of 10 pages, (12 if you count front and back covers).

       However it does state right on the front cover at the top "Supplement to the National Geographic January 2011".


         So, is it not included because it's not a single fold out sheet/page ?

         Regarding another supplement, I see there was a supplement for the March 2011 about the 7 Billion,.

         I was wondering if only some issues had them. I have been receiving my subscription from NGM directly since 2007, and yet I realized I had no supplement when I seen it on this site, and went to check my copy.

         I guess I will have to contact NGM and ask why they sent me a copy without the insert, or ask them to send me another.


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I have no record (or recollection) of a booklet supplement for January 2011.  What was the title and or subject matter of this booklet?  Other booklet supplements are included in Phil's list.  (The "Smell Survey" comes to mind.)

As for the March 2011 supplement, I received it with my magazine.  All issues should have had them.


Hi Tom,

      It is called "Biodiversity: The web of life that supports us all" 

       I have scanned the cover and I am attaching it below.



Was the magazine issue from a subscription to the society or was it from a retail outlet. In recent years  some supplements(large charts and pictures)  have not been sent to regular subscribers.


Hi Phil,

       Yes, I believe it was in with my mag subscription (as Mel said his was), I started my sub in 2007 so it had to have come with my Jan. 2011 issue, because I do not remember buying it separately from anyone.

I don't buy any retail issues so I wouldn't have received it from there.

Perhaps this is why my Mar 2011 sup. didn't come with my mag, maybe it was one of those that you say were not sent to "all" subscribers.

Though I did see Tom mention that he believed all subscribers should have received it with their magazine.

Well, when I get around to it, I will have to see what NGM says about getting me that supplement.

Hi again Tom,

          I forgot to mention that I do have that Smell Survey you pointed out, however, if you check Phil's album, he does not have it listed either. It was the insert for September 1986, so I only looked in his folder titled "1981 to 1990 Maps & Supplements". 

          Don't know if he might have put it in a different album.

Sorry Lloyd,

You know what they say about assuming.  I know the Smell Survey is in Mike Christie's XYZ list and just figured Phil included it too.


I did not list the smell survey like Mike did


I am not aware of a Jan.2011 supplement booklet.



There was a biodiversity issue and a supplement in Feb. 1999


attached ref.



Yes, I remember the Jan 2011 Biodiversity "supplement" , which struck me as more akin to being a content "Insert" addendum rather than a traditional 'supplement'. BUT, they did print the word "supp...." on it, so.

Lloyd, you raise in-part, an issue that some Corner members here have skated around w/ comments here or there but I'm not sure of a specific, thorough thread where we've delineated these . . . may I say odd-balls to the supplement inventories.

In a way, anything/everything removable --or made to be removed-- is a supplement, but classically most people connote supplement to loose NGM maps.

Not long ago, a few of us you ID'd in your post title were mulling over these exceptions to the rule, and there are a bunch, but never moreso than this past couple years. They've been tossing long-held conventions or patterns out the window as it were, and I like to pretend they are doing it with us collector's in mind (ha!).

Supplements can be any of the following:


pictorials  -- w/ this I really mean the vintage art pictorials from circa 1903-1921; 1933; 1957 ;

3D glasses;

Smell Survey;

(perforated) "Posters"  {e.g, mostly a newer thing, but there are a few from farther back --> 2004, 2000 ;

some other perforated "content" not billed as map or poster --> 1983, 1979, 1977 ;

a few non-perforated items like 1916's General Sherman Tree; and a Cargill/Firsts poster in Jan. 2015, and a -something from the late 70's that I kept forgetting to itemize and post in here;

loose leaflet/pamphlets like your Biodiversity above;

that crowd-pleasing 125th Anniv. "Covers" poster only in newsstand copies: Aug, Oct, Dec 2013 !  ;

and also --->

  • "Green Guide" supplement/pamphlet insert - May 2009, 2 pg. pamphlet/leaflet;
  • "Solutions for a  better world" - April 2009, 18 pg. booklet/pamphlet;
  • a Dow Chem. Co. "H2O" folded map/info. thing that was gummy-glue attached to it's June 2007 issue;
  • a June 2002 Ford/Mt. Everest folded map thing [not an official supplement - sponsored content and not billed] ;
  • August 2007 had a "Eureeka - Photo Journal Extra" leaflet, w/ a thin cardboarded Eurkeeka cd" insert

Am I forgetting something else, everyone?

It's all good fun eh Lloyd!? I can provide some pics or scans if there's anything I mentioned that folks forgot about.

As for your March 2011 '7 Billion' map supplement, you should have received that w/ your March '11 issue, as everyone else did. Though, it's always possible that by mistake some came off the press lines and got mail-bagged/sealed without a supp. Wonder how common that would  be in the 2000's?

I'd be curious to see if they would respond to your call now and make any effort to send you out a replacement map only -- 4 years later. NGM's mailing/subscriber services are handled by a 3rd party in Florida, and the usual rule of thumb is you can only report missing/damaged issues for a rolling 3 months, and request either a replacement or an extension of your expiration term by one month. ***When asking for a replacement, it takes them about 2 months or more to finally send one, and usually I have experienced that it is either a UK printed copy, or one that exhibits moderate wear-n-tear for whatever reasons....

      ~ Scott

. . . a gaggle of non-standard NGM insert/sup/map/Other items ~ Attached image




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