This is funny, I just saw your comment now. First, I am jealous of your finding a poster like that! I like!
Second, I found the advance item description on the NG Store in June myself, and was a bit excited about the idea of it. Actually for some reason I thought of you and was going to mention it here on the corner too. Now that I've had some time, I am worried about how they'll actually present this book (e.g., layout, text, etc.).
I'm tired of all the hullaballoo and rehashing with their books like this in past recent years, and I do not want this book to be a Sharbot Gula shrine -- it's so overdone.
Nevertheless, I am pretty sure I will be buying it at some point. I wonder what month of NGM cover will actaully be the cut-off in this? Will it go to Dec. 2013 at least? Obviously, with these kind of books, they are always out-of-date even before they are published and released.
Oh well. Thanks for the share !
store link (pre-order):
From the info on the book on the store link it looks like the book will stress the magazine cover photos circa 1959 to the present (Oct.2013?). Personally I love the old covers..
Yeah...well, I'm sure we both would agree that there would be scant point in showing literally every cover from 1888-1958/59 whereas they all look the same (per each cover format era, etc.).
Yet, the least I want to see (am hoping for), is that they at least show one sample per each cover format as a sort of "evolution of" gallery, with some text to discuss those changes, whatnot.
Also, I'd really love it if this book will show each WW-2 illustration (war bond, flag, the letter w/ the 5 generals/admirals).
Do you have one of the Centennial 1988 posters that was on thick stock, rather large, and had all the illustrated covers printed on it? I can't remember how member's got one then....I actaully got a //reprint?// of the poster as part of my 1998 book, "The 20th Century".
IF anyone else here knows where those originally were issued, I'd love to know. Perhaps there's rolled ones floating around . . . my 2 copies were/are folded.
Update: I scampered on eBay last night post-haste after seeing your sample above, and actuallly found 1 listed, and it's on its way, haha.
I have some other misc. NGS posters I've been wanting to photo and share here with you and the others, and just was sorting them a bit ago up at my storage unit.
- Scott
Unfortunately I do not have the centennial poster you mentioned. Back in 88 I was happy with the large foldouts that came in the Sept. issue with all the covers on it. Back then I only "collected" the issues from 1961(when I joined the Society). Congrats on landing the "Covers" poster....
Phil, great! It's an awesome poster to have, even if folded. Actually, my "The Covers" promo poster just arrived today, I like it, though it's not comprehensive like the '88 one....a teaser for the book, obviously. I'm still glad you made me/us aware of it.
I just thought of you earlier when it came, and there was something I was going to ask you but now I forgot! I've had an avalanche of computer problems, and my printer had a stroke that I've been fighting with (which is also my scanner), and when I say PC issues, I mean both my desktop and laptop simultaneously. It's a miracle I am even making this reply right now.
I have 2 of those centennial posters.....my wish has been to laminate or frame one, and leave the other folded for my "for reference" files. Haha.
One of these days I wanted to share here on the Corner my 5 Wyeth prints that I had custom framed as a set -- something I wanted to do for years and was finally able to in Janury 2013, but they went right into storage and are wrapped like Ft. Knox, what with my back n' forth between Alabama and Michigan that I was dealing with from 2010-2013.
- Scott
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