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George Shiras, III -- Midnight Reflections : original photo from 1898

I have a few original (framed) photos from George Shiras (3rd) that I'm trying to learn more about. Most notably I have an original 'Midnight Reflections' photo from 1898 as shown in the pics here.

I'm trying to understand if these pictures are worth much, and if so how I might go about selling them. If you have any information on this topic please let me know.

I appreciate any feedback.


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I have no real idea on this particular image, but generally Shiras' works are sought after. I know a Dallas-area MD bought out a huge collection of Shiras" negatives and prints in the 1990s (maybe as late as 2002, memory thinks earlier, but I am not sure) for several millions. They appear seldom on electronic auctions, but are usually in the $125-$250 range, depending more on size than on image. That collector's name is Lew Begley, M.D. and he's in either Mesquite or a very nearby town. I personally don't have any further contact information, but you might try reaching him.

There is also a well-known Chicago photographic dealer that starts with Mc or Mac that for many decades specialized in Shiras and other nature photography. Assuming it (or him, as I sort of recall it was largely a one-ego-driven business) is still around, googling Shiras will likely get you contact info.

Good luck

Paul Crist
I might know some one who is interested and is knowledge about original photos from the 19th century. Please contact me.
I would be interested in buying this for a christmas present. My # is 310 729-7737.
I would be interested in buying these. My phone number is 310 729-7737. You called me, but I think I somehow got your number written down wrong. Thank you.
Mona Simpson


I'm reading this years too late... But who knows! I'm currently organizing a Shiras exhibition in Paris and I would very much like to know whether you still have your the Midnight Reflections picture - or if you remember to whom you sold it.

Many thanks!


Hi, I came across your inquire from last February about the Midnight Reflections just today. About 12 or 13 years ago I purchased three photographs from Lew Begely that he told me were the original photos and frames that were shown in Paris in 1900 an St. Louis in 1904. He said he had purchased from the family or estate of George Shiras sometime in the 1960's. If you are still interested in this topic and have information about Shiras photos I would like to get in contact with you. You can reach me at or call me at 920.257.8242. I live in Hortonville, Wisconsin. Thanks, Jerry


Somehow I misplaces your response to me. Could you please send it again? I am leaving early in the morning and will not have email or phone until Thursday. I was very interested in your reply and am anxious to correspond about Shiras.

Thanks, Jerry


Dear Jerry,

How nice to hear from you and to find someone who shares my interest for George Shiras!
I personally discovered Shiras 2 years ago and have been working on a book and exhibition project since, doing many researches and reading all I could find about him.
I have been in contact with National Geographic who owns all the press prints, as well as with the DeVos Art Museum in Marquette, Michigan, who lent us some exhibition prints from the 20’s. But I haven’t come across a private collector until today!
I am so curious : did you purchase the pictures from the family in Marquette? With whom have you been in contact?
Having literally lived with his photographies during all these months, I dream of owning one for myself. Have you ever considered selling your pictures - or one of them? In any case, I would love to see what the prints look like. Please send me a photo! Together with the size details. I will try to tell you as much as I can about them.
All the best,



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