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My aunt Emily Kirkbride was the curator and guide for Dove Cottage, Grasmere, England, (now a National Monument) which was one of William Wordsworth's homes. It is situated in the middle of the

English Lake District National Park. My aunt held this post from after WW2 until her death in 1962.

Dove Cottage was featured in National Geographic magazine I think in the April 1956 issue,

pages 510 thru 545.

Does anyone have a copy of this issue? It would be expensive to mail me the magazine (I live in

England) but perhaps it would be possible to email the narrative of the article and the photographs.

I would be willing to pay for this.

Michael Brett


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The above link is to 7 different copies of the April 1956 you are looking for; for as cheap as US $ 1.49. I hope this is a help to you




Hi Philip

Many thanks for the info. This will be very useful in my search.


Mike Brett

Glad to have been of assistance,




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