I have a complete collection of National Geographic magazines from 1888 thru the current day. Most of the early issues are, I believe, original issues bound in the rust red covers and bound in hard covers by year. I would entertain offers to sell the entire collection, but not individual issues. Thank you.
Your collection looks very nice but the 1st 18 volumes (1888-1907) appear to be the 1964 reprints done by the National Geographic society. They do have a value and it increases every year. The mintage of these sets of reprints is low. That being said, your run of geographics is a tough sell as a whole package in my experience but one never knows....get the right person and you have a sale! You will get more money splitting it. But you have the time factor of separate sales and you WILL be left with a lot of later magazines that have to be donated or sent to the recycling centre......just a fact of life in the Geographic collector world....
I'm not sure what the run of reprints go for these days...someone else will chime in.....Bound issues of the early mags (1908-1920, say) are less desireable than individual issues.....just what the market seems to want...always been like that....
So, hopefully someone does offer you a good price for the lot( and lives close by!!!! ) Shipping would be murder!!!!
I just wanted to let you know about the 1st 18 volumes.......I have the same set and originals to date, myself, so not interested as a buyer...
Cochrane, Alberta, Canada
Several complete sets of the 1964 bound reprints have sold on eBay (as sets) over the past few years.
As many of the individual reprint volumes are sold separately on eBay, I'd guess that another set or two in total have probably been pieced out - but that's just a guess based on what my standing searches reveal as items come up for sale.
When I say complete, I mean all 18 Volumes (20 years worth) with all their loose supplements as originally produced in 1964.
The amount they sold for was completely dependent upon the bidding at the time, i.e. the most expensive set sold last July, 2011; the least expensive set sold in Dec, 2011; with at least two other sets sold as far back as 2009 between these two figures.
In other words, selling them will be "catch as catch can."
Highest sales price: $3999.99
Lowest sales price: $1,075.00
My best guess is that $3000 +/- $500 is a reasonable expectation for selling the complete bound reprint collection.
Good luck!
Thanks guys ... that's very helpful! I do have a bunch of older duplicate single issues from 1910 thru 1914 and maybe that's a good way to start selling and learning how to do that. Thanks again, Jon
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