Does anyone know the exact pricing on Original National Geographic Magazines Volume 1 No. 2, 3 and 4??
Such a "thing" does not exist - far too many variables!
Please refer to my "Selling Guide...." post, seven below this thread on the main forum for information on original eBay sales.
1) Book dealers will offer "you" ONLY 10% to 30% of the true value of these magazines because they want to pay for their overhead and make a profit. They will also, most likely, have to hold the product for a long time before they find the "right" buyer. Can you do the wait?
2) eBay sales are potentially risky - but you "could" find that happy "median" sale that would give the buyer a discount but give you more profit. Can you deal with the risk?
3) You may be able to advertise (if you can find the right market) and sell it yourself. Do you have the expertise, patience, time and contacts to embark on such an endeavor?
4) If you're the buyer - reverse the perspective on 1 thru 3 above and apply those simple variables to the equation.
I say simple, because there exist still many more variables, i.e. condition (a full range of), completeness, and rarity. For example, Volume 1, Numbers 2 and 4 are actually MORE rare than Vol 1, No 1.
I realize I didn't actually answer your question, but your question is not an easy one to answer.
I do hope this provided some modicum of assistance to you.
An added data point to this interesting discussion is that the NGS contracted to officially reproduce "just" Vol 1, No.'s 2 & 4 in 1922, hence the special reproduction cover with three vertical pinstripes to distinguish these publications from the originals.
In other words, the rarity of these two numbers was well established by at least 1922, if not sooner.
Very nice to have your expertise on the forum Dale!
Someday, I'd love to see your collection. However, since my funds are limited I must sadly admit that if it came down to viewing your collection in Australia or purchasing one of the rarities we are discussing... well,... I think you of all people would understand my decision (an attempt at levity here).
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