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I am looking to complete my collection and looking for ngm in southern ontario canada

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Ray Groothuisen at (which willrequire you to click a link tere) may be able to help
Happy collecting
Thanks Paul, My e mail is or let me know at this site where i may find a collection of ngm, thanks art
Hello, I have several issues of NGM but do not have a complete year, only random months. Earliest is December 1997 and most recent is December 2001. Would be happy to provide any issues you are seeking. A list of what I have and titles is attached.

Contact me at if you are interested.

Esther Thompson
Rudyard, Michigan USA
thank you for your reply, I will keep you in mind if needed, thanks again, art
THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY, DO YOU ONLY HAVE YEAR 2007 set of NG? Let me know Thanks art
Thanks for your reply about your 2007 set of NGM, I was looking for a more complete collection, thanks ART
My friend who lives in the Niagara Peninsula has 1987 to 2008 still in their paper shipping wrappers. Some of the earlier ones are without the shipping paper.

He also has some from 1920 to 1930 that are beginning to show their wear.
Thans for letting me know about your friends NGM . Please have him contact me at artlefstein@hotmail to discuss acquisition of the copies if possible, cheers art
Dear Sir:

My apologies for the late reply. I was looking at my page and there were no replies on the page. I only checked here today. I will mail you my e mail address and if you are amenable I will pass your phone number to the gentleman and he will give you a call to discuss things. He does not have an answering machine so it is best if he calls you.

Thank you for your reply.

Joe, thanks for your reply, I can be reached at 905 687 2000, I look forward to his call about the ngm, thanks
I have almost all of them from mid 70's to 2004
Thanks for lrtting mr know about you ngm, I am looking for a more complete collection, thanks art



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