National Geographic's Collectors Corner

Collaborative site for collectors, dealers, & anyone interested in our history.

I have trunks of National Geographics for sale in Vancouver, B.C. My grandfather was a writer for them. However, I have no room
anymore for them. If you are interested please contact me at 604-738-5809. Would make great Social Studies or Library material for a school as there are letters from National Geographic as well.

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I am interested in pre 1909 editions, if you have any, please contact me at ?   

I would be interested in issues pre 1914.  I also collect the maps and have most but still need many of the older ones dating to pre 1943 but also December 1982 map of the mediterranian, what do you have?  If you could send a list if available.  my email is



Hi Marc,

I have the December 1982 map of the mediterranian, if you are still interested, please post here and I will email you.





i have no 1982 so thats great
April 1925 no cover
April 1927 front cover ripped top a little
April 1929 Initial writing on front
May 1929 Initial writing on front
July 1939
August, September 1930. No cover
October, November, December 1933
All of 1934 except March
January - December 1935
January - December 1936
January - December 1937
JAnuary - December 1938
January - December 1939
January - December 1940
January - December 1941
January - December 1942
January- December 1943
January - December 1944
All of 1945 except November
January - December 1946
January - December 1947
January - December 1948
January - December 1949
January - December 1950
1951 except October and November
1952 - missing June July August and September
January - December 1953
January - December 1954
1955 only have January and February
1958 complete
1959 - complete
1960 - no February no December
We also have a letter from National Geographic thanking us for our contribution to the society as well as a map.
It is the Mexico cental America Map West Indies map we have with a letter from NG thanking us for our contribution to NG society.



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