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Found an interesting magazine on E-Bay.. A November 1917 Nat Geo magazine.... Strange since all issues of that   magazine are Nov-Dec 1917....I wonder if a December 1917 exists also

The person selling states there are only 7 copies known to exist.....

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This isn't as rare as it was made to seem on eBay, and it only pertains to the first page of the issue.

Mike Oliphant started a discussion about this some time ago (I'll look for the conversation, though it was part of a thread on a different subject) where he had come across several of these in his inventory (he is a significant seller of NG material on eBay).

With his urging, I looked through several of my extras and actually found one (though it is badly water damaged).

A "December" only title is not known, and although the first page of "some" issues may read only "November," there are no known COVERS with just the one month of November on them, i.e. they all read Nov.-Dec.

To the best of my knowledge neither Buxbaum nor Rogers thought enough of this anomaly to include it in their reference books.


P.S. I messaged the seller with this information earlier today, i.e. I know of at least two other collectors with copies {one with multiple copies} - don't know what he's going to do with the info.

P.P.S. I just observed that the seller did not change the numbers of issues "of this version" he had located, but he did change the "asking price" from $250 down to $75 for the bound (w/o covers and ads) Jul-Dec volume.



Here's the link for the discussion (originally about the 1898 "Gold and Coal Fields of Alaska" map) where Mike entered a new discussion about the Nov/Dec 1917 issue and a first page with only November on it. Apparently my recollection was a littler short as Mike seems to have had his hands on quite a few of these:



Thanks Mel

I now see that they are not as rare as that seller thought they were...




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