National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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I have a set of NGs for almost every year from 1930-1972 and some scattered other issues. They're in good condition at best. I'm planning to sell them as yearly sets, but first wanted to make sure there aren't any in there that are of significant value. Are there? And, what would be a fair price for the yearly sets?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Hi Lisa!

That's a fair amount of issues you have there - where do you keep them (Haha). I can say from my own experience selling extra years/duplicates that you of course, can get a better price based on the condiiton and whether the map supplements are still present - - which you would post that info., if you are planning on using eBay or somewhere...

When I sold the relatively "newer" years of the 1980's, 90's and 2000-2004, I got about $10-$15 per year. . . . which really, was a very good price for these recent decades; often other sellers on ebay got between $1-$6 on average, with or without a decent listing. Photos are key to a better price, such as of the spines, and as well giving a description more than just "NG issues - all nice".

So yes, I did use eBay. Also, I sold for $12 or $15 the 2 "special" issues of 1981 and 1993 together (ENERGY and WATER).

This is just to give you an idea. For all your older issues, I would perhaps guess you could round up a price per each older long as you give a description and supplement info. I sold 2 years of 1930's for $10 each, but they were in bad shape.

For my purposes, I had listed them (on ebay) as "buy-it-now" option, for the price I mentioned, with the "bid" option as well, so that my start bid was about $2 less than the buy-it-now amount. Further, if the year had the maps, I usually tacked on an extra $2 for that - for my $10-15 range.

I don't know if this is helpful for you or not, but I thought I'd give a response to your post.

have a great weekend,

~ Scott Shier



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