I am trying to find information and value on two paper reports. One is, "Studies of Muir Glacier, Alaska," dated March 21, 1892 & "Rainfall Types of the United States," dated April 29, 1893. They both say "reprint" on the bottom of the front cover, but I cannot find a reprint date in the document. Any information would be welcomed. Thanks
These are part of the 1964 set of reprints of the first 20 years (1888-1907) of the National Geographic Magazine. They were produced by the National Geographic Society to help collectors complete their collections with these "hard to find" issues. There were 179 reprinted issues in all.
ha Tom, I was literally typing my reply when you replied. When I saved, yours had just posted.
Those were reprinted in 1964; the Society reprinted every issue for 1888-1907 (first 20 years) due to high demand at the time from institutions, and the membership.
The entire reprint press run was officially capped at 1,000 copies, per each issue. They were offered as single copy issues, as they were thus originally issued. The initial period 1888 - 1895 was very sporadic in issuance, both with timing and content. Some of these early issues hardly qualified as a pamphlet, whereas the next issue was 1/2 thick. They were issued intermittently as well, not monthly, not bi-monthly, yet not quarterly either.
This unprecedented effort by the Society was announced in the July and November 1964 issues of NGM. While they indicated a mere 1,000 copies per issue only, it has become known that there was some number more than that printed and sold. This is largely due to the fact that there are numerous bound volume sets of these 1964 reprints, for the same 1888-1907 period; all the issues w/ covers and map supplements and/or fold-outs, with advertisements, were included.
It's these bound copies (actual qty. ran) that nobody (including NGS) to this day is precisely sure of.
You may refer to my attached chart that shows at-a-glance the structure of the publishing schedule/release of the 1888-1895 period. I laid it out to show the Volume & Issue numbering, as well as "M"s which indicate if a loose map supplement was included -- 2 "MM"s denotes 2 supplements. These were usually inserted into a rear cover board "pocket" built into the board at time of printing + assembly.
You'll see also that even the dating sequence was inconsistent, particularly in 1892, such that earlier page numbers had latter dates than vice-versa.
There's even more trivia minutiae I could relate, but I am not sure the extent of your interest for the moment, haha. Also, getting into the "values" of these reprints is another inconsistent trend worthy of a separate response and/or conversation.
~ Scott Shier
...no sense "re-inventing the wheel" so to speak, so our fellow 'Corner member, Mel De Vilbiss has compiled a stellar run-down and guide(s) RE: the values, and selling of NGM's -- the reprints and otherwise. You may find this insightful to understand the parameters of "value and availability Vs. demand" .
Running a search on eBay for your issues also can show on a given day if/what is available. One needs to keep eBay pricing (bids, buy-them-now's) with a slight grain of salt however. We can discuss that in more detail as well, if you wish.
2 key links from Mel De Vilbiss --->
Scott, the second link "guide to selling," goes to a page-not-found message. Is there another way to get there?
Ooops, I'm not sure.... I've lost my train of thought at the moment about what I meant that 2nd link to be about. OR, Mel may be revising his data and deleted the link; his run-down is a 'living document' and he's always tweaking and updating it.
Sorry about that. But the first link does give you a wealth of info. as I intended to bring to your attention, based on what your questions seem to be.
- Scott S.
Thank you very much for the very good information. I appreciate it!
Scott, the second link "guide to selling," goes to a page-not-found message. Is there another way to get there?
This is the link:
By-the-way, I was able to view the links Scott provided. You may have a compatibility problem with your browser if you are unable to open the link I provided above.
I begin my next revision within the next couple of weeks, hopefully to be completed prior to the end of December. One very nice, and very large, collection still being sold on eBay has increased the overall price listing, and will require a lot of collation.
Thanks, Mel. By the way, I hope you didn't mind my sharing your good work with Tiffany !
- Scott
Not at all Scott, I take it as a compliment that some consider my passion as helpful to others.
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