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I have inherited my aunt's NG magazine collection. It's too much for me to keep and I would be pleased to find someone who would appreciate it. Perhaps someone can advise me. I have 29 reprints from 1888-1907 in excellent condition. I also have 29 bound volumes from 1914-1936 in excellent to good condition. Interestingly, the ones from the 30's I believe were professionally bound but not by NGS. If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it!

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Hello Elizabeth,
I would like to hear more about the 1914-1936 bound volumes you have such as what covers, condition, etc. If you want you can email me at

R. Root
Hi Richard,
Thanks for your note regarding the bound NGMs that I have. I think they are in pretty good shape though I have no expertise in this. I'll try to send you some photos by the end of the week and you can take a look and advise me. Thanks again for responding!
Hello to you Elizabeth,

The NGS issued the reprints in 1964. They published all the issues from 1888-1907 (first 20 years). This was an enormous undertaking, and a first in the Magazine and publishing world.

They issued a limited run of 1,000 copies (per issue). From 1888-1896, there were sporatic issue/volumes (issues designated by Number (No.), and Volume #. Number referred to 1-6 for Jan through June, being the first volume, and July-December were No.'s 1-6 again, comprising Vol. 2. Again, in the first years this was deviated from as there was inconsistent issues. The reason was the NGM started as a technical journal, put together by specialists in geo-physical fields; being hands-on individuals, they were often unavailable for portions of the year to be contributing to the Magazine. Notable is that many of the "articles" were actually texts from the Speech/Lecture series which was held at the Cosmos Club, the Corcoran Gallery, and then their own first headquarters, Hubbard Memorial Hall. Gardinier G. Hubbard was the Society's first president, and primary impetus to gathering the 32 other founders and the rest is history!

The NGS also produced in an unknown, yet limited quantity, the Reprints in Bound-Volume (book) form. While the 1,000 copies were the individual single issues, it is largely thought that the Bound Volumes were in addition to, and not part of, the 1,000. The NGS has never confirmed or denied this, and have at times claimed no awareness of which case it is - they say the records are incomplete or missing.

Due to the enormous surge in membership through-out World War 2 and into the 1950's, demand for the early back-issues sky-rocketed. Thus they reprinted the issues. The reprints are excellent reproductions. There are a few differences though: the paper was better grade, and heavier lb., coated thicker for durability, and the page/cover sizes for 1888-1903 were enlarged to make them of "uniform" size with the Magazine, 1904 to present. Be aware too, that all and any map supplements and charts were also reprinted and included, as they were in the original issues.

There was a smaller-scale reprintng effort in 1922, where they reprinted, in the original size, the magazines from 1888-1890. Again, in 1975, they issued reprints of Number 1, Volume 1 (October 1888).

This may be useful or interesting background on the Reprints for you.

~ Scott T. Shier

long story short: your Reprints should not be sold at a pittance, they are a good lot of issues to make some money off of.
Hello Scott,
Thanks for your note and for the info regarding NGM reprints. I will keep this in mind as I determine what to do with the collection. I may keep them since they don't take up much room!
Thanks again,
Is February 1900 available for sale?
still available?

Hi Elizabeth!

Is your collection still available?  Where are you located?  I'm in Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.

My e-mail is:




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