National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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I recently acquired a lot of NatGeo maps.  Among them were 4 copies of the 1988 World map.  Two of them have the line: Supplement to the National Geographic, December 1988, Page 910A, Vol. 174, No. 6-WORLD in the upper left hand corner of the maps.  The other two did not have the line.

I thought the ones without were from indexes while the ones with were from the magazines.  However, I checked my original magazine supplement, my index map, and my Centennial index map and they all have the Supplement statement.  I was wondering if anyone knows where these maps without the statement come from?

I am enclosing a photo.


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I have 3 of those and all have the supplement line at the top. All 3 came from Nat geo Magazines... I also have the picture of this map that came from the Nat Geo DVD. It also has the supplement line at the top.


I too checked my 3 copies earlier when you posted this. I have only 3 (I do not make a practice of having too many copies and duplicates of anything). I have this for the Centennial boxed Index set, one for my master file of supplements, plus one 3rd extra to keep w. my "reference" copy of the Dec. 1988 issue. For me, this is alot of copies of the same thing.
All 3 of mine have the origin line printed atop, as yours in the scan. I'm with you Tom: I would have thought off-hand that the ones sans credit line would have been bundled with the boxed index set, etc. Other than that I would mention the U.S. map that came with the 1988 boxed Index set does not have an NGM issue vol. # or pages line either ; at the bottom LH corner, it shows basically that it is "reprinted, c. 1987".

Do your 1988 World maps sans the line above show a "reprint/reprinted 1988" at the bottom edge perchance? My only other thought would be that the non-credited copies you've obtained must have come from a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th printing of the boxed Index sets, the ones which were printings from oh say 1992-1996 ... such that it would seem likely that any over-stock from the Dec. 1988 supp. printing would naturally have been diverted to supply the other items 'til used up.

~ Scott


All the maps, with supplement line and without, seem identical in all respects except for the line in question.  The bottom left corner reads COPYRIGHT c 1988 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, WASHINGTON, D. C.


Hmm, well then here's another example of "they love to kill us OCD collector's with arbitrary variations".

: - )



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