To all my friends at the "corner"
The following topics are changes I've see coming for a long time. And I'm sure there are plenty I didn't think of:
1- Please correct me if I'm wrong but has the membership in the society been dropping during the last decade. As my generation gets older is there a new generation replacing us. It seems everyone here is selling their late parents and grandparents magazines and very few are looking to acquire new ones.
2-Has the society switched emphasis to selling their magazines on newsstands instead of home deliveries. They are including extra supplements that are not included in home issues(which really angers me ) I believe the newsstand price is much higher than the subscription "membership" price per issue but the price of mailing the issues has skyrocketed also.
3- The demise of maps and supplements which was discussed yesterday
4- The stressing of electronic issues in DVD format, online format and downloaded format to tablets, phones etc. If they can make a killing there the actual print magazine may be in jeopardy.
5- Where's the money... Is the society making it in actual Magazines, electronic magazines, TV networks, or monies being left to the society by individuals. Or maybe they are loosing money !
Please comment on these topics..
I believe the entire structure of the Society changed when it transformed itself into an advocacy based organization rather than maintain itself as a geographical reporting mechanism.
In its former self, though some may have found the magazine offensive at times, it was by and large a neutral party to any discussion. It simply reported what it observed, and in this way could deflect almost any controversy.
Once hitched to the advocacy bandwagon, it fell prey to political nuisances.
Advocacy, by its very nature, is closed minded, if not narrow minded. It is also controversial and creates antagonisms because it is NOT neutral. Once antagonisms are set in motion - you begin to loose support.
How far will the Society take it? Probably until the all-might dollar (which is due to go into hyper inflation) bites it!
Sorry Phil, I know this is a little deep - but have felt the frustration for many months, if not years, about the direction the society has gone.
I should have proofed my blurb above - let my emotions get in the way:
nuisances should have read nuances (big difference)
all-might should have read all-mighty
Que sera, sera...
The discussion I started on maps, the one Jeremy started on news stand issues, and this one have depressed me to no end. I hope we are all wrong but can see the writing on the wall, and it ain't pretty.
Alan Mairson a former National Geographic staff writer and editor has a blog that has an article he wrote about this topic. Here is the link
Excellent post!
Hits the nail "hard" on the head!
I have become so frustrated with a society that no longer relates to me, and often antagonizes me, that I'm seriously considering selling off my collection and ending my 50+ year relationship, nearly 40 of it with my personal collection.
Thank you Stephen for the link.
You better read the blog soon before the NGS has it pulled!
When you link to the page, you encounter this at the top:
"We're on a brief hiatus while we respond to formal correspondence from Terry Adamson, chief legal officer for NGS."
And - if they yank this thread - guess what?!?
Wow Mel,
Venture capitalist control the Nat Geo Society... Under 4 million membership and dropping fast...A society that has no idea where its going..... I am sooo sad over all of this
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