National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Hello, All.  New member here.  As a kid I started collecting Geographics.  In the mid-1950's I purchased, for 10 cents a copy, the entire collection, starting from April, 1908, from my public grade school's library in Omaha, Nebraska -- Dundee School, to be precise.  The magazines were, of course, bound, and this bound volume was missing.  At the time, I did not know why, but I do now.  By any remote chance, does anyone happen to possess this "missing link?"  

For the record, the years 1914-1919 were also missing, but I have filled those in with the exceptions of July, 1915 and December, 1919.  I managed to get one loose February, 1907 issue.

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I think you'll find something you're looking for here:

Alter the search criteria for additional items.

Good luck!


Thank you, Mel.  Clearly, this is a search for a needle in some haystack, and it seemed an OK way to introduce myself to the group and possibly find the missing volume.  As early as the 1950's, it appears, this April, 1913 issue had become a hot item, all right. 

Right now, my feelings are divided between resuming collecting these favorites, or being OK with what I did collect.  From another post of yours, it appears that anything from January, 1960 on could just as well be taken to the paper recyclers as not.  I have numerous doubles and some triples from 1911 through the 1950's.  

Another curious question I have concerns then-elderly neighbors of ours in Omaha from that time--parents of a close, close friend of my parents.  When Mr. Hartman passed away in 1952 or 1953, I was told that "he was a charter member of the National Geographic Society, and his entire collection has been donated to the University of Nebraska."  Studying your research posted here on the 1922 reprints of issues #1 and #4 from 1889, one wonders.  I've also noted that Society records from the very early days, apparently, seem sketchy and incomplete.  Do you know if there ever has been a published list of the some 200 members to whom the October, 1888 issue was sent?




Good questions, all! I'll try to answer your last question first:

I seem to remember coming across the "publication" number of the earlier volumes, most likely in the published proceedings beginning with Volume III. I can't recall at this time. I do remember that there was a small number of issues published greater than the number of members, with an extra batch of perhaps 200 for the very first issue - to be used as an introduction to other societies. This is one reason the Volume I, No. 1 is not as rare as the Volume I, No.s 2 and 4.

The last number of Volume II identifies the members of the Society at that time. It also indicates which members on that list were founding members. There is, unfortunately, no Hartman on the list at all in Volume II, nor Volume VI, nor listed in Volume XIV (1903) under Nebraska {by then there were over 1000 members that were listed by state}.

The membership list was part of the smaller case Roman numeral pages in the beginning of each volume as bound (beginning with Volume III), but actually published in the last issue of each volume along with the index.

The last membership list published was 1903.

If your purpose is to sell the magazine I would set up a store and eBay and have at it. It was my original intention to sell my more than 6000 extras (from 1920 through 2000) in this manner, but life got in the way and I ended up giving them to a dealer I've had good relationships with. He didn't have room in his truck to take most of the 1960's and newer.

If you have the time to devote to your eBay store I believe you can have fun doing it, if not make a meager living.

Your extra teens, and perhaps your extra 20's and 30's if in excellent condition, will be your money makers.

Actually, there is not needle in a haystack, just a need for patience and timing. All good things in time - so to speak.

Hope this helps!


Hello, Mel,

Thank you for your kind reply.  Finally, I found on-line the list of published members in the supplement to Volume XIV (1903), and I scoured the entire list to check for the name Hartman.  It is nowhere to be found.  I do recall my mother saying that the University had come for Mr. Hartman's collection.  He may well have become an avid early collector.  On the 1903 membership list for Nebraska, I now see why there was a "Bessey Hall" on the University campus, and the founder of one of Omaha's premiere department stores is also there.  Oral history has a way of being either way off or eerily on (e.g., Schliemann Homer Troy).  The University may well have put together a complete collection from various donors.  Just out of curiosity, do we happen to know how many verified, original, and complete collections there are in existence and their locations?

As of right now, the only thing that would get me excited would be to see the missing bound volume from my grade school out on e-Bay (or elsewhere). I am uncertain about opening an e-Bay store insofar as I am supposed to be retired, but I do know how life can happen and throw plans into flux. I note a large number of posting by heirs who have no clue what to do with collections and few buyers.  Part of my modus operandi is to preclude this from happening to mine and to prevent the entire collection from going to the Goodwill or, worse, the paper recycling bins.  Did I see somewhere on this site someone's having an *xls spreadsheet ready to go for cataloging?  I am on paper right now.

And for the first time, out on, I got to see a color reproduction of a "red brick" cover. Thank you so much!  It is exciting to get caught up on what's going on with the Geographics.




Buxbaum's third edition provides a list of known complete collections at the time of printing - 1971. I don't know if anyone has kept up with the list since then.

There has been a couple of spreadsheet formats offered recently. Please peruse the list of discussions below. I think you'll find one to your liking.




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