National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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We made an app for storing and searching through your collection.

Hello everybody,

Feel free to try an app we made exclusively for National Geographic Magazine collectors. This is just a beta, but we already have a ton of new features we plan to develop.

Enjoy and keep collecting! Let me know if you like the app.



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  Thank you for all your hard work!

Best wishes,


Thank you Cathy! 

It's not hard work if you love what you're doing. :)

Not a good site because you have to put in ALL the information about your collection including all covers and supplement pics and all article information.....

Hi Philip,

Thanks for your feedback! I know it would be better if there is already some content about every issue... However, we cannot use the Index or any other similar source because of copyright.

The solution to this will be user generated content once early adopters start to store their collections. That means that we are planning to add a feature that will show you suggestions about tags and titles for every issue you want to add to collection.

Once again, thank you for your precious feedback. I hope we will make it better and that you will like it.

All the best,



Many of us here have complete collections of over 1500 issues. That's a lot of covers, maps and info to post...


Hello again Philip,

Congratulations on completing the collection. You are top class collector obviously. As I mentioned before, we are tackling that problem and we will make it much faster to upload each issue. Hope you will try the app then. I will let you know.



To top it all off  you want $24.00 per year after the first month and WE do all the work...NO THANK YOU

Philip, I would be the happiest person if programmers hours and servers were free. Unfortunately they are not, and considering amount of data (especially photos) we need the best servers to be able to achieve speed and quality of the site. What is most important, we are not going to charge anything until users are satisfied and find this platform truly useful. 

I actually enjoy in that part you call work. Spending time curating and reading my collection is why I started collecting National Geographic in the first place.

The important thing I wanted to ask you is how do you curate your collection? I would appreciate some suggestions and tips from experienced collector such as you. What would you like to have in a tool like this? 



Other than our  covers and maps, how is a collector going to get all the info that's in a typical magazine into each monthly edition on your site. Are we going to have to write reviews or summaries.. What info are YOU going to supply..


Thank you for making this Danko. Looks like it can become very useful!

Although I have to agree with Phillip, it would be great if we could extract a lot of this information from a source, though I am not sure of any source that is not copyrighted.

Thanks again, I hope perhaps this will one day replace the excel file I have stating which issues I have.

EDIT: I initially wrote a request but t I realized I can do what I asked for - clicking on every issue I have with one click - this can be accessed by clicking on the = lines (or list view).

See picture for how it looks now making it much easier to tick off each issue that I have!


Hi Pece,

Thank you for trying the app and providing feedback. We are solving the problem you addressed. It will be much faster to upload your collection when we finish.

I see you live in Melbourne but are your origins from Macedonia by any chance? I'm asking because of your name.

Kind regards,




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