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Anyone out there have any copies of Don Smith's guide other than vol. 1 #1  that are for sale? I am interested in purchasing them, especially vol. 1 #2.


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AbeBooks has four for sale: Vol 1 #1, Vol 1 #3, Vol 1 #4, and Vol 2 #1.  Sorry, no Vol 1 #2.


v1#1 is thru 1974, v1#3 is thru 1988.  This one is thru 1978 so it's probably v1#2.  I found it on Amazon.

Thanks. you saved the day. I looked just recently on Amazon but didn't see it.


Frequently, you can find one or more of his six issues/guides listed on eBay.

Almost as frequently you can locate them on*&destination=us&currency=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr

Good Luck!

P.S. Go to the individual dealer site (whether from Amazon or Bookfinder) and continue searching their specific library - they may have more to sell that they haven't listed. Also, if at first you don't succeed, keep searching every few days or weeks - they will eventually pop up.

I have vol.1 #1, vol.1 #2, vol.1 #3 vol.1 #4 & vol.2 #1. Just looking for cheap extra copies. I did not know there was a 6th vol. I assume it's vol.2 #2? What years does this vol. go up to? This one I will have too search for.

Vol.          No.            Years                       Publication Date

  I               1          1888-1974         1974         Jun, 1975

  I               2          1888-1978         1978         Apr, 1978

  I               3          1888-1985         1985         Apr, 1985

  I               3          1888-1988         1985         Jan, 1988

                                                                            (inside front cover: (1985. (REVISED), 1988.)

  I               4          1888-1992         1985         Jan, 1992

                                                                            (inside front cover: (1985. (REVISED), 1988, 1992.)

  II              1          1888-1992         1996         Jan, 1996

                                         (now for some confusion - on the inside front cover of this last issue he lists the following data:

                                                 VOL. I, NO. I...1975.

                                                 VOL. I, NO.2...1978.

                                                 VOL. I, NO.3...1985. (REVISED) 1988.

                                                 VOL. I, NO.4...1992.

                                                 VOL. II, NO. I..1996.

                                             even though the copyright dates I cited above are the copyrights shown on the inside of that particular issue...)

Thanks. This was very helpful. I'm missing Vol.1 #3 1888-1985. I always thought it jumped from 1978- 1988. I'll have to find me a copy somewhere.


Typo on Vol II no 1 - should end with the year 1996, not 1992 - sorry...


Yes, I have Volume 1, No. 2. Do you still need it?


No I found an extra copy. I am now only looking for a copy of Vol.1 #3 1888-1985. Thanks.




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