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A curious question, Does anyone know of how many complete sets of the National Geographic from 1888-2016 there are in existence? I would count collections that have reprints. 


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Would be interesting to know.  I've been collecting hard for two years with a modest budget and have 1258 - 81% of all possible editions.

I'm sure someone on this site knows!

Ed Buxbaum listed in 1971 about 215 sets. This may include some duplicates (ie a set that was created, then broken up, then recreated out of Nat Geos from the earlier set). There were 165 members in 1888. The rarest I believe is Vol 1 No 2. So figure between 175 and 250 sets.

Sounds about right. I have that edition of his book. I ask because I have a complete set. It took me years to complete. My first 20 years are reprints. My oldest original issue is from 1895.

Ah, then, according to Buxbaum you do not have "a complete set" by this definition, though it sounds like you have some great things. Interesting how the reprints made it possible for people to "complete" their collections and according to Buxbaum this spurred the growth in collecting NGM as now they had something to aspire to. Good luck with "completing" your collection! 

That is the Buxbaum definition. Sir, I have every issue. Yes, not all originals But, I'm not going to debate you. Please don't tell me I don't have a complete collection when I actually do. Thanks.

Fine. Yours is a complete set, but it is not a complete original set. By your definition then there are about 2500 complete sets out there- the 1200 single issue reprints, the 1200 bound reprint sets, plus the 200 or so original sets. But then again, since you have the Buxbaum book you already knew that... 



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