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While perusing the January 1983 National Geographic Magazine during unrelated research, I have just found a two-sided indexed map of Washington, D.C.  I noticed that Philip Riviere does not have images of these maps posted here at the 'Corner.  Also checking several supplement lists I cannot find an entry for them.

Photo courtesy Philip Riviere

The maps are entitled "Washington Inside the Beltway" and "Heart of Our Nation's Capital".  They are perforated for removal from the magazine and on a heavier, rougher stock paper.  I believe this qualifies them as Map Supplements.  They are located between pages 92 and 99.  I do not have a camera good enough to provide images.

As I mentioned before, they are indexed.  They each have the customary number/letter grid and the indexes for both maps appear on the "Inside the Beltway" side.

And here they are courtesy of Philip Riviere:

Tom Wilson

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This is a perforated supplement that I will obtain a picture of and add to my list of supplements and post it here . Wonder how this one got by me, you, Scott and Mel ?? Good catch Tom...


Thanks Phil,

I just added them here to complete the posting.  This was really a pleasant find.



If we are to add this, then shouldn't we add the multi leaf fold-out poster (also in this particular issue) "Layers of Life in the African Forest?"


P.S. Not until the "current" standard of perforated foldouts began a few years ago were these types of items considered true supplements. I'm easy though, and could go either way with it.


In your own list you include the two-page perforated supplement of the "Sydney Olympics" in the August 2000 issue.  That was before the "standard" you mention.

As to the three-page two-sided fold-out of the African and South American rain forests: a) it is not perforated, and b) it's index-like reference pages are on the pages before and after the fold-out "tying" this fold-out to the magazine.



We've had this discussion (with Mike) about all kinds of what-about this or that, e.g. the Sherman Tree back in 1916, Babes in the Woods in 1917, etc.

We also discussed whether to differentiate if it was a "loose" supplement vs. tipped vs. bound within, etc.

As I recall, there was no consensus because there was no consistency with the way things were/are done by the NGS. Mike, if you recall, drew the line at tipped. Anything bound or perforated did not meet his standard of "supplement."

Did you and Phil gang up on him to convince him otherwise? (an attempt at humor)

My list also includes two supplements that are actually sponsored "advertisements."

Like I said, I'm easy...

I've added "both" items from the January 1983 issue to my list just to cover all bases.


Layers of Life in the African Forest is not perforated and not meant to be taken out as a supplement. Also the Washington perforated supplement is printed on the  heavier card stock of a supplement. The African foldout is printed on the same stock as the rest of the magazine pages. It is a foldout ,not a supplement.



A rose by any other name...  The exciting thing for me is they are maps and they are both indexed.  Whether being designed for removal qualifies as a supplement, loose supplement or anything else is secondary to me.

I thought Mike Christie decided to have two separate lists.  This item would qualify as supplement but not as loose supplement.  The rain forests would not qualify for either.

As a rule, I do not remove perforated items from the magazine.  This includes the poster series (1998 to present), the Physical Australia promotional map (2006), and the Sydney Olympics (2000).  I left these maps attached to their issue as well.  That being said, I know the lure of the perforation to some people so the second thing I did after stumbling across this item (the first being the original post) was to check eBay to see if any detached map were for sale.  I found one for under $2 and bought it.  It just now arrived.

While it is printed on map supplement stock and has perforation indicating it is some form of supplement, there are two counter-indicators for this assessment.  The first of these is the map title.  While the map supplements of that era all have a blurb crediting the Cartography Department of the Society for producing the map for the magazine along with a list of everyone involved save the janitorial staff,  this item's title is VERY plain: just the magazine (with yellow border logo), city, month, and year.  A comparison of these can be seen below:

The second  indication that this is not a supplement is the fact that the maps are counted as pages in the magazine, 93 through 98 to be exact.  The outer pages (furthest from the perforation) are even number (95 and 96).  This is a strong indication that they are considered part of the magazine.

The strongest indication for this being a supplement is what I found on page 95: a copyright.  To me this indicates that, at least the Society lawyers expected these maps to be detached

I think the "Sales Edition" being available is a nice touch.

With all this being said, the only thing I can say for certain about this item is that it is an "Odd Duck".

Tom Wilson

The poster series dates should read (2009 to present).

Unfortunately, the January 1983 issue was the very first issue not covered by Roger Nathan's excellent collector's guide.  The only research recourse left to me is meta-data, i.e. the volume and cumulative indexes covering this map.

I first searched the volume index (Volume 163, Jan-Jun 1983).  The reference I found on page XXX specifies the maps as a "tear-out" and flags them as maps (Italics), but also lists the page numbers for each.

I next searched the 1947-1983 cumulative index.  This reference on page 547 also mentions both maps.  It flags them as maps (the Blue Triangle) and mentions it as a "tear-out).

Finally is searched the 1888-1988 cumulative index.  The reference on page 1104 only mentions the maps and flags it as such (the Globe Symbol).  No mention of it being a "tear-out".

This oversight was more than made up for with an image of the A-side map at the bottom of the next page (1105).  The image's caption even references the map as a "tear-out".

Tom Wilson



I Noticed a difference between the A side map I posted and the A side from the centennial Index. Centennial Index calls it "Tourist Washington" while the other one  calls it "Heart of Our Nation's Capital".



Maybe that is the "sales edition" which they advertised.  Or it could be a second production run variant.  I'd go with the first, but who knows?  Good catch, I missed it.




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