In addition to the NGS "official" cumulative indices printed over the years there were, apparently, third party versions printed for use by school systems as education material. I have one of these items to share and was wondering if anyone else had this item or another one like it.
As you can see, the years covered by this "index" are 1917 through 1950.
The first page is a title page. Beneath the Capital City Bookbinery sticker, the original page reads: Published Yearly by Berrien Bindery Berrien Springs, Michigan.
The second page is a list of Topics Arranged Alphabetically.
The third and fourth pages are a list of place names with there associated continents. (Showing third page only.)
The fifth through forty-six contain lists of article titles with issue and page information for each of the "Units" listed on page three. (Showing fifth page only.)
Tom Wilson
The most unique privately produced index I have was copyrighted 1939 and is titled:
"The Skadsheim Topical Index to The National Geographic Magazine"
with a subtitle:
"With Alphabetical and Analytical Sections"
The analytical section is a two-way index to picture and text references by regions, across four pages and by subject, under column headings.
All of this was "classified according to the Dewey Decimal System" compiled by Lotta E. Bell, Union City, Michigan.
I am absolutely amazed at the detail and cross-reference in this little book (pages are unnumbered as everything is alphabetical) - and especially when I think about this being done "manually."
That is so cool, Mel !
Does it have a year or volume range? (i.e. 1888-1939 or I-LXXVI).
If not, what is the earliest reference?
Neither the binding title nor title page state an inclusive range.
Some searching though shows a 1916 reference (forgot which month, but if I remember correctly - December).
On the other end, the October 1939 map of Central Europe is not referenced, so some month prior to October is the final monthly issue included.
Thanks a lot, Mel.
I find these third party items interesting. I almost posted this thread in the "Outside Looking In" group but, being an index, I decided here was the best place for it.
Yours in collecting,
I agree with you that this type of item does not really qualify as a "3rd party" proffering insight, or history in the form of journalism, profiles, etc. of the Society, and Magazine, in general.
This is not quite "coverage" about the doings and activities of NGS/NGM, rather than a non-NG entity compiling a reference work index.
Neat find! I have had another third-party reference index for some time, and picked it up for probably the same reason you did -- simple curiosity about an Index that was non-Society issued. I wanted to see how they presented the index information.
This one was published by Geoimages Publishing Co., in 1990. They were (still are?) based out of Los Angles. The author/compiler of the Index is Jack Hobart. This was a preliminary effort on their part to get one published to maximize usefulness for the most contemporary (read: popular?) era of NGM, 1955 - June 1990, inclusive of The Magazine, and maps/supplements.
It is clear from various pages of text info. that this was principally geared towards, and marketed to, public schools, schools in general, and libraries. They had a series of Quick Reference Guides books at the time, also for Scientific American, Discover, Astronomy. On the last page it also indicates "coming soon" for a NGM, 1888 - Dec. 1990 publication, which had to have already been well in the works.
The full title is Quick Reference Guide to National Geographic, 1955 - Mid 1990 : A Subject Listing for Fast & Easy Access to Every Article, Map, & Special Supplement .
The notable thing about this format is that it makes no attempt whatsoever to notate and reference every author and photographer, nor necessarily full titles, sub-titles (articles), and names/ID (photos). What it does do is group issues by general interest (themed) categories, in chronological order. This was meant to facilitate easy, fast, and casual location of topics for the reader, so one could easy ID all broad articles falling under say, "shipwrecks".
I am adding a photo album in the Photos tab on this 'Corner with a sample of pictures and scans. Note: I scanned most of the explanatory pages, which do the best job laying out the scope and M.O. of this Index.
I'll link the photo album here --->;
Tom, once again you beat me with this particular thing. I have been wanting to call out the same thing you just did above, and share my copy as you did yours. Thanks for the share! To wit: I already have had this Index pulled and laying on my overflow desk and have been looking at it since September, to do what I'm doing now.
- Scott
....dunno why it won't let me insert a workable link in my post as intended, but here ---->
Wow Scott, that's an awesome find! Ditto the photos!
Apparently, several companies had the same idea to fill a need for a quick, easy reference to a subset of NGM's that were readily available to the public.
Thank you for sharing and welcome back,
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