National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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My Mother is 82, she has suffered over the years when my Father was around, putting up with what goes along with a over zealous Nat. Geo collector.  Now she has to deal what was left behind, which is a collection of Nat Geo that would make any museum proud to own.  Starting with a complete collection from 1888 to 206, which includes the reprints from 1888 to 1910 bound - two copies of No1-1 loose in mint condition - with loose mags  from1910 1911, lose mags are complete sets 1915-2006, and a bound version from 1913 to 1949.  This includes a complete map collection from the first issue to 2006, including extras for all of the years.  Every index, every atlas, and a collection of rare to common publications, and don't forget the globes - moon, world, and bookend set.  I have done research and have yet to find a definitive value of the Magazines, and the rest of the collection.  I need to sell this collection for my Mother as this is basically my Dad's life insurance that he left her.  I want to respect my Father's efforts in amassing this collection and want to offer it at a fair price between 15,000 and 30,000, but really don't know what the entire worth should be.  I know that it is worth as much as one is willing today for it, but this is not your typical, eBay collection for sale.I have loose 1910 originals on to 2006, two bound collections that carry in years, the reprints and the two No#1-1s.  Oh and I almost forgot the collection has a number of correspondences between Gilbert Grosvenor and Dr. John Oliver La Gorce, including first date of issue stamped mailings.  To say my Father was a fanatic is an understatement, but his life work has now become an albatross around my Mother's proverbial neck.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  The Who's where's ad how's in regards to selling the collection are my main concerns.  I have come back to the Collector's Corner because if any one knows I will find them here.  I am trying to put together a collection of pictures to give a visual aid to the story as well.  Please feel free to contact me at my email, and just attention with a NatGeo, and I will get right back to anyone that can help.

Todd D. Emde

(Son of Carl "Fritz" Emde - Mastor Collector)

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I have uploaded some photos to go along with my story here.  The order is in reverse though so if you look at the pages the last page is when I started the photos with the 1888 info and the collection goes back from there until you reach the first picture of some correspondences, which - as you have guessed it - is the first picture you see when you open the pictures.  Hope that makes sense.



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