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I have maps from 1914-2002 for sale.  Please let me know if you are interested.

Lynn Olson

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Do you have a list of which maps you have available that are pre-1920 and how much you need for them?


Mark Van Winkle

Number of maps in parenthesis - make an offer

1914                Alaska (2) in poor condition

1914 Aug        New Balkan States (2)

1916 May        Greatest Achievement Picture Sacsahauman Cuzco Peru

1916 Apr         Sequoia Tree Picture

1916 July        Mexico (2)

1918 Feb         Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes Picture

1918 May        Wester Theatre of War (4)

1918 Dec or 1919       Races of Europe Adjoining Asia and Africa (5)



I finally got around to checking my issues, and I already have these maps and supplements. But here is a question: Do you have the map from April 1938 that shows Austria as part of Germany? 


No, I do not have that one.


That version of the map was produced late in the production run.  It seems to be rare.  All the copies I've acquired individually have Austria as a country.  The only copy I have were it is part of Germany came with my Map Index; which makes sense since it was produced after the map and would have used the most recent version.



It is in-fact the rarer of the two, but some were actually distributed with late running subscriptions. See Nathan's checklist. I have three of them (bound, individual and map index).


George / Mel,

Thanks so much for the information. That's really helpful.




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