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I think it is a shame that the April 2022 National Geographic issue didn't come with a map supplement of UKRAINE and its neighbors.  (Unless they are planning one in May.)  Gilbert Grosvenor would not have been happy about that! He always made it timely to get map supplements out so members could follow current events. Examples are the Apr. 1938 and May 1940 maps of Europe as well as all the maps during the World Wars.. Even maps of Russia were issued to show the breakup of the Soviet Union.

I know they sell maps, but including them with issues for members contribute to the importance of these maps.  There probably is a cost issue but that could be addressed. I also find that the younger generations do not know where various countries are located and even some Stares as geography is one of the courses they don't seem to teach anymore, at least in California. 

Cartography has been an important part of the magazine since Gilbert Grosvernor became the editor over 100 years ago. There hasn't been an updated continent map since 2005 and changes have happened in Asia, Africa, and Europe. 

I hope the magazine editors read these discussions.

Harold W.

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I remember back during the first invasion.  When the rest of the world refused to recognize Crimea as Russian, the National Geographic Society caught some flak for altering its World map to show the occupation.  Alas, they didn't bother to do a map supplement for the membership back then either.  The true map supplement is a thing of the past.  While they still send out a supplement, now and then, that contains a "map", it is more of an infographic, not an atlas-style map.  Everyone has GPS and Google Maps now, so those atlas-style have been relegated to the proverbial ash heap (unless you order them from headquarters online - nothing's free anymore).

Yours in Collecting,

Tom Wilson

Tom, you may be right. I hope not. The map supplements were as important as articles in the magazine with historical notes, ocean depths, etc. I'm glad I have all mine and told my kids to hold on to them when they inherit them. I check back to them every now and then when some article needs more location or historical details.


I remember the "flak" Nat Geo got for that in 2014. I thought it was lame. They were showing reality w/ explanation

(how hard is it for people to understand a comment that indicates the shaded region is "in dispute w/ relevant dates....)


I know that you wanted to see a physical, paper map issued. I agree w/ your concerns and preferences. Along with what Tom already said about online maps being available, it is also the day of the internet . . . we're lucky to still have printed magazines!

If it's worth anything, here are the direct links to National Geographic's coverage of the Ukraine 'crisis' w/ Russia in 2014 + 2022 -----> 

1] from March 19, 2014, the explanation about how, if and when to show a disputed territory, w/ map: 

2] from April 9, 2014, an overview of geographic literacy regarding Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula, w/ map: 

3] March 5, 2014 ~ a really good set of 5 maps embedded in the article showing 300 years of changes + evolution of the Crimean peninsula, and of Ukraine's then-changing status and names:

4] recently this year from February 18, 2022, a history & culture article reviewing the history between Russia and the Ukraine:

5] from February 25, 2022, a visual timeline article outlining the the struggle of Ukraine for existence, freedom, and security from its independence in 1991, through to 2021/2022. Includes photos and maps/infographics:

with friendly regards, 

             - Scott 

Thanks, Scott.

I think I saw most of those, but I still prefer a paper map in front of me where I can take my time looking at it. The Internet has its value too where you can copy or save. But you still can't beat National Geographic maps! There are a couple of old NG maps I don't have that I can see on the NG site, but as a collector, it's not the same as having them.

Harold W.

Precisely, I 100% agree. I love spreading their maps out on the table and taking my time examining and reading them. 

Say, which maps are you missing? I'm surprised.....

I just saw this. I have them all back through 1906 and the 1905 Location of the Panama Canal. I have a few copies of some older ones. I never found the Feb. 1905 world map.

Harold W.

Harold - have you seen the new June 2023 NGM issue yet? It has a Ukraine map that you were hoping for!

See Tom's snippet from Friday, here --->

A Ukraine War supplement (June 2023)

I have not seen it as I don't get mine til near the end of the month. I just saw Tom's snippet. Finally! I hope it's a supplement.  It's way overdue! Thanks.


Thanks for posting this. Should have come several months ago, but better late than never.

Harold W.

I did get mine last week. It's nice. The cover calls it a special bonus map. But it's actually an "old fashioned supplement"! Maybe Disney got more complaints besides mine. Better late than never, Hopefully, in the future, they will be more timely with supplements, (posters, special maps) like Mr. Grosvenor wanted.

Harold W.



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