National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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For Sale, Original National Geographic Magazines and Maps from 1891-1907

I have about 13 original bound by year volumes of National Geographic Magazines from 1891 through 1907, In excellent condition with most including the rare supplemental maps, if interested in all or any please contact me

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I was wondering what you were looking to get out of these......?

You are sure they are orginals and not the 1964 reprints?



Greg Rahn

hi just got your reply to my Geographic listing 1891 -1907 , yes they are all originals , most are bound in different colors of cloth  and 2 are in green leather bindings all clean and tight,  14 years total,  missing 1892, 1899, and 1903, with most of the rare map supplements, i think only missing one , including the rarest , the 1902 double map of the Philippines  and the scarce 1898 Alaska color gold map, and most of the early 1890's .maps that i have never seen before, please contact me for prices and more details

Hello greg!


Okay, can you send me an email with the prices, etc


my email address is: 




Greg Brumfield,

Good to see you are replying - but I sent you an unanswered friend request back on the 8th of July.

I am interested if you could provide pictures and details of included supplements with each bound volume.

Thank you!


Are your NGMs still available?  Where are you located?  I'm in Bancroft, Ontario, Canada.  My e-mail is



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