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Thanks. But I guess that makes it hard to tell.  I have a couple but they came with original issues (don't say reprint on magazine cover).  I am jusr curious,


hi Harold,

I am hastily going off the top of my head this moment, but almost all of the 1888-1907 REPRINT map supplements do have "reprint" on them . . . But - there was like 1 or 2? of them that lacked the disclaimer.

(Can someone help remind me . . . . Mel, Phil, Tom, Jeff, anyone? ha-ha). I used to have perfect instant-recall of these kinds of tidbits, but I have had some "issues" of late.

As for the other things: you mean you bought a map from the online ShopNG store? Yes, those re-issues usually bear revisions, and as such, are not strictly reprints. They also have slight color hue variation, and are on different type paper, always. They come rolled, folded, or rolled+laminated (at least many have those choice options).

- Scott 

Harold & Scott,

I found the discussion.  Mel De Vilbiss posted the info down in the comments:

You were correct, Scott.  There are two 1964 reprinted supplements without the word "Reprint" printed on them:

March 1896 - Submarine Cables of the World   and

September 1900 - North Eastern China.


ah, perfect ~ thanks Tom !

Thanks, Tom and Scott.  I'll check that post out and copy it.


Yes, I know they were "modern" reprints, I just wanted and was curious about.


...also, Harold do you collect any of the NGS books? Even since the late 1990's and into the 2000's, it's still not totally uncommon that they'll include a special reprint, or reissue, or revision of a map as a supplement to the book (*usually though it's a straight out reprint of a "classic" map).

So this way, you also have a subset, or sub-genre of Nat Geo map/supplement collecting apart from solely NGM maps...I do have a number of these book supplements. Interesting though, more times than not, the books give no indication of an accompanying supplement or insert, so unless you get them originally, or find some other evidence (like promo literature, etc.), you could get a Society book second-hand and never know you don't the supplement!



Let's not forget the non-supplement maps with indexes (USSR, Land of the Bible Today, etc.).  You must include those as well.

Tom :-)


I know. I did collect a lot of books, but not for several years. I found some did have maps in them.  Some like  the "Lands of the Bible Today" map were even larger.The best surprise is the "Mystical Lands of God and Heroes" /"Classical Lands of the Mediterranean." I really like that one, and the "Mystical" side was never in the magazine.I just saw Tom's reply,  I never have seen the USSR non-supplment.


Absolutely Tom ! 

...there's also a couple other instances where a map was issued w/ those old vintage membership booklets or Society messages. One comes to mind, is Lhasa pictorial was put out w/ a Society report. 

One thought I had was perhaps they were doing not only as a courtesy enticement, but as a way of clearing out some over-stock copies.

Harold, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that mythical lands of the Mediterranean poster that came with Greece & Rome - just awesome. It was available for purchase as a separate poster from Society H.Q. during the 60's, 70's. 

I want to add that my brother is a subscriber and he received the group photo issue. We are from Australia.



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