National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Hi! Does anyone have World Magazines from the 1970s? I'm looking for a copy where my brother and I had a small mention.

Comment by Scott T. Shier on March 25, 2022 at 12:58am

Tim, I have every issue of WORLD, so I could help you figure out which issue you are looking for, if you give me some details or info!

- Scott S

Comment by Tim Shore on March 25, 2022 at 1:39pm

Hi Scott,

Thanks for reaching out!  It's an issue from the 1970s (I'm guessing 1977?).  It's a small blurb in a circle at the front of the magazine.  My brother David had collected 773 soda bottle caps and we built a pyramid with his collection.  I seem to remember that there was something about a playground built with recycled materials in the same issue.  My brother is turning 60 next month and it would be a great present to be able to give him.

Thank you so much!

Tim Shore

Comment by Scott T. Shier on March 26, 2022 at 12:27am

Well, as I review the scans of my covers, I see 2 that jump out as possibilities, but I'd have to check the physical copies (interior pages) to verify for sure.

You have June 1977 with "Toys from Trash" in the upper RH corner, and November 1977 has "Junk Sculpture" in the RH upper corner. Here are the 2 covers below, see if one seems familiar to you . . . . 

Comment by Tim Shore on March 26, 2022 at 2:17pm

Thank you, Scott.  I wish I could remember the cover of the issue I'n looking for...  It could have been in 1978 (or 1976).  The text below our blurb identified us as David and Timmy Shore of Bozeman, Montana.  I so appreciate your help with this!

Comment by Scott T. Shier on March 29, 2022 at 12:19am

Tim, I'll get back to you in a day or two. I need to look at my copies, I will find this for you.

Comment by Scott T. Shier on March 31, 2022 at 1:43am

Tim, success! I found it. It is the August 1977 issue, on page 3. You are on The Mailbag (letters page), at bottom as you thought. 

I already searched eBay and here is the link to the only copy currently available, albeit, 2 issues as a pair for only $4.99 plus shipping  ---->;

Comment by Tim Shore on March 31, 2022 at 1:44pm

Thank you, Scott!  You're my superhero!  If all goes according to shipping timelines, I should have the copy to give my brother when I visit him for his birthday.  I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me!

Comment by Scott T. Shier on April 3, 2022 at 12:11am

Tim, you are very welcome, I am happy to be able to help. I hope you get the issue and your brother enjoys seeing it! 

best to you,



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