Moments in Time: Society milestones & 'the Magazine' history

this group celebrates and highlights significant events, people, and times that shaped The Magazine, and evolved our Society.

Feel free to share anything to that end ... ask questions, make suggestions, recommend a topic!

  • George Thomas Wilson


    Here's where I hope to really learn something.  I hope more people (with a lot more knowledge than me) join soon and start posting discussions.


  • Scott T. Shier


    Absolutely! That's my whole reason for creating a new batch of groups to hopefully encourage other 'Corner members to jump in and chat, point things out, post open questions to the group or members, etc.

    I'd love to see what all anyone might share or show us! I also have a list of things I plan to post, over time.

    Thanks, and good wishes for this group in future...

    ~ Scott