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About a decade ago National Geographic published a series of 60 books titled "Our Mathematical World".  Having one of my undergraduate degrees in Mathematics, I found these books fascinating. Unfortunately, they were only issued in the United Kingdom. The postage for my set was slightly less than the cost of the books!

No. Title
 The Golden Ratio: The mathematical language of beauty 
 Mathematicians, Spies and Hackers: Coding and cryptography 
 Prime Numbers: A long road to infinity 
 When Straight lines become Curves: Non-Euclidean geometry 
 The Sect of Numbers: Pythagoras' theorem 
 Secrets of the Number Pi: Why is it impossible to square the circle? 
 Fermat's Enigma: Three centuries of mathematical challenge 
 Prisoners with Dilemmas and Dominant Strategies: Game theory 
 A New Way of Seeing the World: fractal geometry 
10   Underground Maps and Neural Networks: The theory of graphs 
11   The Fourth Dimension: Is our universe the shadow of another? 
12   Harmony is Numerical: Music and mathematics 
13   Absolute Certainty and Other Fictions: The secrets of statistics 
14   The truth is the limit: Infinitesimal calculus 
15   From the Abacus to the Digital Revolution: Algorithms and computing 
16   Playing with the Senses: Art through mathematical eyes 
17   On the Other Side of the Mirror: Symmetry in mathematics 
18   An Endless Discovery: Mathematical infinity 
19   Mortgages and Equations: Mathematics of the economy 
20   Creativity in Mathematics: How a marvelous mind works 
21   Notable Numbers: 0, 666 and other numerical beasts 
22   The Dream of Reason: Mathematical logic and its paradoxes 
23   The Thousand Faces of Geometric Beauty: The polyhedra 
24   The Conquest of Chance: Probability theory 
25   Fleeting Ideas, Eternal Theorems: Great problems in mathematics 
26   The Dream of the Perfect Map: Cartography and mathematics 
27   The Poetry of Numbers: The role of beauty in mathematics 
28   The Mathematics of Life: Numbers in biology and ecology 
29   Curious curves: Ellipses, hyperbolae and other geometric marvels 
30   Cosmic calculations: Astronomy and mathematics 
31   The Secret Life of Numbers: Curious topics in mathematics 
32   The Butterfly and the Tornado: Chaos theory and climate change 
33   Minds, Machines and Mathematics: Artificial intelligence and its challenges 
34   The Art of Counting: Combinatorial analysis and enumeration 
35   Until Algebra do us Part: Group theory and its applications 
36   Distorting and Transforming Shapes: Mathematical topology 
37   Women in Mathematics: From Hypatia to Emmy Noether 
38   Getting the Measure of the World: Calendars, lengths and mathematics 
39   Mathematical Network: International groups and congresses 
40   Planet Mathematics: A numerical journey around the world 
41   The Sphere that wanted to be Infinite: The paradoxes of measurement 
42   A Mathematical Journey from the Particle to Everything: The mathematics of gases 
43   Unsolvable Problems - do they exist?: Mathematics, complexity and computing 
44   The Endless Mosaic: Tessellations and drawings on the plane 
45   When Mathematics goes to the Polls: Decision processes 
46   e for Extraordinary: The history and applications of the constant e 
47   Easy or Difficult?: Teaching and learning mathematics 
48   Mathematical Bits: Information and communication theory 
49   Mathematics on the Front Page: Statistics and the media 
50   From Chess to Graphs: The mathematical seriousness of games 
51   The Power of Data: From big data to deep learning 
52   All Tied Up: Introduction to knot theory 
53   Living in a Small World: The mathematics of social networks 
54   The Story of an Imaginary Number: The square root of -1 
55   Catastrophe Theory: Between equilibrium and change 
56   The Secret of Good Organization: Logistics and mathematics 
57   Any More Bids?: The mathematics of auctions 
58   Bayes' Theorem: Targeting the truth 
59   Observations, Measures and Models: The mathematics behind scientific experimen 
60   Geometry at Close Quarters: The mathematics of everyday life 

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Another strange coincidence.....I only just this past week stumbled upon this series, as in, found out it existed. And yes I noted that it was a non-US release. There was another lavish, smart series released perhaps around the same timeframe, and I am forgetting the name of it. I want to say it was "Historia" with many volumes, available as an installment subscription series.

Congratulations on your acquisition and I can imagine what the S+H was!

- Scott 



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