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2014 issues differences between online archive and Australian edition

As per my previous posts (see here for an example), I will make a posting of all differences I see between the online version, and the physical copies we receive here in Australia. I will focus on 2013 next.

2014 December:

-Front cover different to online edition:

-Contents page condensed to one page and different to online version:

-Like the 2015, 2016 and 2017 editions, on my page of "World Beat" I do not have the "Statement of Ownership, Management, and Monthly Circulation of National Geographic" info. I first noticed this section in my 2018 December issue. Never prior to this. It has been in 2019, 2020, and 2021 December (I assume it will also be in December 2022).

-Embrace the Untamed page is missing in Australian edition.

2014 November:

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note page 74, lack of blurb on image,  note for the "special poster", and "Make Way for Millet" is replaced with "World Hunger Facts" under 'Explore' section.

-Make Way for Millet page is missing in Australian edition.

-"Thank You" page is missing.

-A Vanishing Migration page is missing.

2014 October:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image.

-The Future of Food page is missing in Australian edition.

-Hybrids Beat the Traffic page is missing.

2014 September:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different. Further, the "Next" section has been renamed (though appear as the same stories on this list).

-Page 2 of "Your Shot" page is missing in Australian edition.

2014 August:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different. 

-Page 2 and 3 of Your Shot missing in Australian edition.

-Depp Sea Creature page is missing.

-A La Carte page is missing.

-Primate Rescue page is missing.

2014 July:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different. 

-"Credits" page is missing in Australian edition.

2014 June:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different. Bullfighting under Next section worded differently, while others identical (odd?).

-"Credits" page is missing in Australian edition.

-2014 Emerging Explorers pages are missing.

-Your shot page 2 is missing.

-"Thank You" page is missing.

-Food Banks page is missing.

2014 May:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different. 

-Page 2 and 3 of letter pages are missing in Australian edition.

-"Credits" page is missing in Australian edition.

-Your Shot pages 2,3, and 4 are missing.

-New Hope for Hair page is missing.

-A La Carte page is missing.

2014 April:  

-I happen to have two copies of this issues with the cover matching the online archive, and one with a barcode. My issues are identical with each other (including the ads), except for "on the cover" blurb.

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different. The 'On the cover' section is different per the issue on the left.

-Page 2 letter page is missing in Australian edition.

2014 March:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different.

-"Credits" page is missing in Australian edition.

-Your Shot pages 2,3, 4, and 5 are missing (page 3 and 4 technically an add?).

-"Food by the Numbers - Female Farmers" page is not present in the online edition (is it in the American physical copy?). This page is between 'Sticking Points' page and 'Spitting Image'.

2014 February:  

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different.

2014 January:

-Contents page has been condensed from two pages to one. Note lack of blurb on image and fact that image is different.

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