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You all seem like a friendly and knowledgeable bunch, and I'm looking for a little help finding an issue of Nat Geo. I'll give a little history here so you all know why I'm searching.

When General MacArthur arrived in the Philippines, my grandfather was stationed there at Clark Air Field with the Army Air Corps, in one of the communications detachments. I'm pretty sure this was in 1944 or 1945. Apparently when MacArthur arrived on base, all men were ordered into their dress uniforms. Well, my grandpa was working on the electronics system of a plane, and subsequently was one of the only men not wearing their dress uniforms when they were all assembled.

A photo was taken of MacArthur there and was on the cover of a Nat Geo magazine. From what I'm told, my grandpa is on the edge of the cover. The men who were present were all given copies of the issue afterwards, but I've been unable to locate the issue and my grandpa has since passed away. It is believed the issue was from the 1980's.

What I'm looking for is the date of the issue and any other information I would be able to get regarding it. All of the issue covers related to MacArthur that I've been able to find online haven't been the right ones. I guess because I've been unable to find anything thus far, I'm thinking it might be possible that the photo didn't make the cover, but could be in an article instead? The family is certain it was a cover, however, and some have seen it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I would be willing to purchase a copy or two for posterity's sake.

Thanks in advance!

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This is an interesting quest you have here! First, I wish you luck on finding this issue/photograph.

So, since photos are not indexed by the Society, it is particularly hard to track one down (as versus an article/author). I can try and look through my 1980's and 1990's covers and see if there is one, but it is not ringing a bell with me.

IF this is indeed, an interior contents photo then this is hard. You would need to track down every World War 2 and/or Philipines article, and look for the photo. Just realize that there were no cover illustrations during the 1940's; I hope the photo you are talking about is not from 40's. If it is, then it's really going to be hard to find it.

Scott T. Shier
Thanks for the info, Scott. This might be harder than I thought! There are SO many photos of MacArthur out there.

I am not sure if the focus of the article/cover would be on MacArthur, Luzon or the other Philippine islands, perhaps just a general WWII photo. If it's not ringing a bell with you, then maybe it is an interior photo. My mother tells me that the issue came out sometime after I was born in 1980, though, if that helps.

Thanks for your assistance!
So far,

March 1992 has an article on MacArthur, but I don't think this is the one you are looking for? Also, in the index book I have (1888-1988), the only mention of MacArthur is May 1950, "Japan Tries Freedom's Road".

I have not yet looked through my 1980's issues...

- Scott S.
Awesome, thanks for looking. I don't think the March issue is the one I'm looking for - that's the one with the ape on the cover, if I'm not mistaken. I wonder if the issue is somewhere between 1988 and 1990 then?

I really appreciate the help and I wish I could return the favor. So if there's anything you ever need to know about the Star Wars universe, I'm your girl! That's my area of expertise. LOL

Thanks again,



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