Hi all this is my first post and very happy to have found this board, I have always love geography and history and about 15 years ago one of my uncles died I asked my aunt if I could keep his NG collection, that collection was from the mid 40's to late 80's. The collection was composed from magazines only, no bound magazines, about 8 year ago my basement was flooded and as i was keeping the magazines boxed on the floor I lost almost 90% of my collection.
Since last year I have acquired a good amount of magazines and I recently got a collection from ebay(mercado libre in mexico) that goes from 1951 to 2004, the magazines from 1951 to 1983 are bound magazines, and here are my questions:
The bound editions that I got, appear to be bounded from magazines but the ads and covers are removed, my questions:
why to remove the covers and ads from magazines ?? are they worth as a collection item more or less ? I personally prefer the magazine with cover and ads, what do you think about that.
I own a 1916 bound edition that has an index that covers the entire book, is this a reprint or NGS sold this bound books at the end of the year.
Thanks in advance
This are the bound images
At one time back in the 30's collectors didn't like ads and covers in bound volumes because they took up too much space in a bound volume. Today people like the ads for their collectibility and covers make the issues complete. Bound volumes with ads and covers are worth more today and are desired by collectors.
Your 1916 bound edition is an original. Reprints from NGS were for the years 1888 to 1907 only.
I hope this helps you out...
Bound volumes are less in demand than an entire volume of loose magazines.
Bound volumes with their ads and covers are slightly more desirable than bound volumes without their ads and covers.
Having said this, the most common practice for binding was to remove the covers and ads, placing each issue in sequence and obtaining the volume index (usually placed in the back of the bound volume) from the NG Society complete with Title Page, Contents and Illustrations (all usually placed in the front of the bound volume).
Your 1916 bound volume is not a reprint - it's original.
I have recently discovered that the NGS actually sold bound volumes up until the 1930's (to the best of my knowledge) so it is entirely possible your 1916 bound edition was produced by the NGS, however, there were many binderies that would bind collections for private owners, hence the variety of bindings.
Hope this answers some of your questions!
Phil and Melvin
Thank you for your answers I really appreciate them and now I have more knowledge about bound editions I will post some pictures next week of my books
thanks again
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