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Hi, nice to meet you all people and first o all excuse my poor english.

I´m Cristian Gómez from Costa Rica, Central America, and i am so happy to see and meet this forum and collectors corner. I have almost 230 Nat Geo Original Maps and more than 700 Magazines so far

I like to share my method to preserve, store and cataloging this NatGeo Maps.

I use folder or potfolios with appendable plastic letter size bags, each bag for each map. those maps are bent as originally comes in magazines, and when i close the entire folder, air inside the bags is not much and we can preserve and take care of this documents in a better way.

Additionally (obviously when a have time to do this) we can put inside a letter size form in each map bag, in order to describe features and basic information about especific chart. That way makes a fine and nice visual presentation and very whel reference guide, is easy to find maps, to check inside information with no need to get the map out of the bag many times minimizing manipulation. I build those forms with an automatic Microsoft Access DataBase FORM, quering simple listing tables with map data.

i am sure that this way to conserve my maps is not the best, but those have almost 7 years with me and i could reach a very good condition for them.

If this information can help anyone in this forum, it would be great to me.

If anyone would be interesting to check or view my MsOffice data base in oder to create similar for your personal collection, fell free to talk with me. Can locate me via

Thanks a lot with this sharing opportunity.

Cristian Gomez

Costa Rica

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Excellent work Cristian - far more detail than I have with my collection!

Since you seem to be dedicated to exacting specifications with respect to your maps, you may find this link of interest:

This individual also has an amazing capacity for detail in all things (please note his references at the bottom of his list for additional information).

I hope you find this enjoyable.

Thank you for sharing your work with us!



I too use ringbinders for my map collection. I have almost  all maps (missing 13 in the 1899-1904 time frame) from  1888 to the present .They are in 25 large ring binders that contain mostly 2 or 3 copies of each map in a mylar sleeve that contains:

1-a backing carboard of archival quality of the same size as the sleeve. It keeps the map flat. 2- the map 3- the month and year of the map  on a stcker on the outside of the sleeve 4 - a full color print of the map (7" wide) on the outside of the sleeve.

Wow, both you guys have put a lot of time into this - nice work!


Thanks a lot.

Your work is very fine, maybe i will follow little picture in front like you. backing carboard is also a very good idea. THis is a example of Map DatSheet i use in each one. Is generated with a simple and small MSAccess Data Base. I would like to ask you where to find older maps, before 1946, Here in Costa Rica is so difficult. thanks.

Side A and Side B if map has two sides, Scale A Scale B, Projection, Genera Tematic, Year, Month ANd a brief list of topics and sites that you can find inside.

Thanks for sharing your experience


Try the following web search on eBay:


This should get you started.

You can set up a "standing search" for National Geographic Magazine Maps" whereby any time someone lists a map you'll receive an automatic notification.

Patience will someday deliver what you're looking for.

There was one eBay seller, Cascoly, who used to deal strictly with maps. He has really curtailed his business of late. However,you'll often find sellers listing large lots. Then it's up to you to win the bid (and pay the additional shipping costs).

Hope this helps!



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