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I just picked up bound copies of volumes I, II and III purported to be originals. They are quite old (they're clearly not 1965 reprints), but are they originals? Any advice on how I can tell if they are bound without covers?


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Jeff Persons in the LA metroarea may be the closest person to consult. 1922 reprints were only of Volume I ## 2 & 4, so there is no possibility that the three volumes are all that old. I doubt you have all originals unless you paid a fortune, so likelihood is 1964 reprints on rather stiff paper. Should be a beige binding, though they could have been rebound. Alternatively, in the 1980s Hein in Boston reprinted early volumes in red binding on rather flimsy stock that can appear to be aged even if not intended to deceive (fake foxing etc.). However, without examining closely, there is no telling for sure. Hope this helps and that you were not taken in this purchase
Happy collecting
Thanks, Paul. Following up on my own post, I've just found the relevant section in my '56 edition of Buxbaum which points to various indicators other than the cover, such as the quality of the map fold-outs in Vol 1, #2 and the signature on some of the plates in Vol 1, #4. (Since I've already ruled out them being the '64 reprints.) Looks like I lucked out and have the originals.

Thanks for the insight. I have dozens of National Geographics from 1918 through 1947. I found a bound copy from 1922 in an antiques store. Fortunatly for me i knew the owners of the store and the gave me all my mags for a dollar. I have volume 42 c. 4 it is in a beige binding and I THOUGHT it was really old. Am I confused and paul crist saying the beige copys are real or fake? At any rate I really enjoy the book and it is still old. I collect tones of life magazines at least I know those are real.
No worries. The NGS issued reprints of Nos 2 and 4 of Vol I in 1922 due to the extreme scarcity of these issues. Distinguishing these from the real thing is moderately subtle. They issued re-prints of all issues from their first 20 years (1888-1907) in 1964 as both loose issues and as bound (beige) volumes. These are indicated by the word "REPRINT" printed on the lower part of (both the loose and bound) covers. None of yours will be reprints.



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