National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Need a year? Look here! 1912-1986 (1038 total, boxed, inventoried, good to excellent)

Please make an offer (the wife wants them gone even if it means recycling them)!

  • Buy 1 year or 10 - they've gotta go!

  • For local pick up in Putney, VT; or, you pay shipping and/or transport charges.  For reference:  12 magazines shipped cross-country via USPS Media Mail costs approximately $8.00.

  • Total of 1038 National Geographic magazines recently boxed in 36 boxes.

  • Oldest is May 1912 with cover intact but loose from binding.

  • Newest issue is December 1986.

  • 52 complete year sets in 21 boxes.

  • Most issues from 1971-1986 were from one subscription; are in original mailing sleeve with maps inside.

  • Many pre-1971 have maps inside the issue (but certainly not all).

  • Extra maps are in Box #8.

  • The complete year sets shown at the beginning are grouped by box.  In other words, there is a box with the 1958, 59, and 60 inside.

See Inventory:  (Please note that 1921 is no longer available)

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Dear Tracey,

As such your collection is difficult to sell in a short time as a whole. I have a complete collection (1888 - ) but always on the lookout for better copies for certain issues/years. I am specifically interested in 1920 and before; let me know if you are willing to break it up. Best, Gabe

P.S. As I side note, I used to have a house in Lower Athens Road and drop in Putney.

Thanks for your interest, Gabor. I will think about it and get back to you within 24 hours.

How often are you in Putney? Such a small world, isn't it?

O.K. Thanks.

A few years back I was there frequently; my children loved Putney because of Basketville, the old store,

and the small pancake place there. Most of the summers I drop in New England for vacation even without

the house. Gabe

Sorry for the delay, Gabor.  I would really like to get rid of all of the issues. Would $300 be acceptable with local pick up (or you pay freight charges)?  I am certainly open to all offers!

Dear Tracey,

I looked through your inventory. I have a complete collection (1888 - ), from 1940 many duplicates, and I am mostly interested in replacing copies with better ones especially in the early 1900's. The only overlap with you would be the complete year 1921, in individual 12 NG magazines (as mine happens to be bound and thereby has little value). I looked various charts for actual value for this; I thought $90 would be fair plus postage. (I live near Philadelphia; media mail.) I am assuming that these copies are G/VG quality including that they are not taped, a practice very common for early 1900's. Let me know if you are interested. Unfortunately, for the rest, especially after 1930's have little value, and have many copies on sale (in various conditions and prices). Best, Gabe  

Hi Gabe,

I'm afraid that the boxes are not shipping quality. I do have the number of a gentleman who does long-distance pick up and deliveries if you're interested.

Thanks,  Tracey

Hi Tracey,

How much would be the cost? Gabe

I'm not sure what he charges for transport because I wasn't the one who hired him.  He picked up a room full of vintage newspapers for a studio in Brooklyn.  He was a hard worker and maintained contact with me regularly.  His name is Paul Davis. He can be reached at 203-434-3678.

Hopefully, transport won't be cost-prohibitive and we can make this work =)

Hi, I think we are talking about different things; all I would need is the whole year 1921 plus one copy of June 1911. This would fit into a single box.

I called Paul, he is interested only in very large transport. Best, Gabe 

Hi Gabor, I definitely misunderstood. I have 1921 ready to go. 1912 was the oldest I have, however. Do we have a deal of $90 plus shipping via media mail?

Hi Tracey,

Yes, O.K. the 12 issues of 1921 only, for $90 + media shipping. If you have PayPal I need an e-mail;

otherwise address for a check. You can respond to me by e-mail (gtoth at

Best, Gabe

1921 is sold. Please see inventory for the remaining issues. Any offers considered!



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