National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Hello everyone! I'm kind of new here. I've accumulated quite a bit of National Geographic Kids magazines from my teen years and now I don't have room for them. I gave some to my cousin, but I'm sure he threw them away. I still have some from 2017-2019 and I was hoping I could sell them to someone. I know regular National Geographics sell for quite a bit, but my family gave those all away a couple years back. These will either be donated or thrown away so... please, buy them off me or tell me how much they can sell. I am going to cover the addresses on them with a plain sticker for personal safety reasons. We used to get them mailed every month, so that may have caused some to get damaged. I hope it doesn't depreciate the value. They are:

October 2017 (corner is slightly bent, poster still inside), November 2017(poster still inside), December 2017/January 2018 (Collector's cards still inside), February 2018 (Poster still inside), March 2018 (poster still inside), April 2018 (slight bit of green ink on the edge of the cover), May 2018 (poster still inside), June/July 2018 (slight water damage, dents on page 9, poster still inside), August 2018 (poster still inside), September 2018, October 2018 (slightly dirty on the edges of the cover), November 2018 Special Issue (cover edges slightly dirty, Lego City: Artic Exhibition ad and map still inside), December 2018/ January 2019 (Most collectors cards still inside with slight dents and water damage on a squirrel and artic fox card), February 2019 (slight tear on lower left corner, poster still inside), March 2019 (slight ink smudge on left side of cover), April 2019 (slight bending on the edges), May 2019 (slight bending on the edges, poster still inside), June/July 2019 (collector's cards still inside), August 2019 (poster still inside),  and September 2019 (poster still inside, slight dent on top right edge of cover)

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