National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Nancy and David are hands down one of the most interesting couples I have ever met in my life!

When Nancy contacted me, I had no idea who she was. Come to find out, Nancy is a high school friend of my father. I guess he had told her about what I was trying to do, so she thought she would contact me for a trade. She wanted to trade an oil painting and a framed poster.

When I got to her house, I was amazed at what I found. Dave was outside in the front yard and I thought he was doing a little landscaping. Turns out he was working on his train track. That's right, his train track.

Their front yard is beautifully landscaped with flowers, shrubs and trees, but meandering throughout all the foliage is a train track. This isn't your ordinary train track. It was hand made and very authentic looking. Dave was in the midst of getting the track ready for Spring.

Nancy gave me a tour of the house. Turns out she is a Master Gardener and she had seeds germinating in the basement. Dave, an engineer, devised some of the most incredible time-saving additions to help Nancy with her gardening. Not only that, he designs and builds trains, including creating the parts he needs to construct the engines, steam and electric.

Out on the porch, she showed me photos of her gardens and the trains when everything is in bloom and full color. It is absolutely beautiful and amazing!

I have included photos. The first one is from the day I went there to trade. The other two Nancy sent me, at my request, so that I could show you how incredible she and Dave are at creating a breath-taking landscape.

Nancy, Dave, thank you for taking the time to share your awe-inspiring projects with me as well as trading with me.

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