National Geographic's Collectors Corner

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Does anyone have any/all of the following for sale?

All indexes 1914 and earlier (except 1911)

1916 - Jul to Dec
1941 - Jul to Dec
1943 - Jul to Dec
1977 - Jul to Dec
1978 - Jan to Jun
*1990 - Jul to Dec
*1991 - Jan to Jun
*1992 - Jul to Dec

* = priority


also: additional complete set of indexes 1981 through present.


~ Scott T. Shier

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I have a few of these I need to look, but would you be willing to trade for some maps? 1920-1970.

I will get back to you soon with the indexes that I have.


Melissa Turner
Scott- Do you still need these indexes? I have a few of these in my private collection and I do know a dealer where you can get the rest.


I believe Scott posted this for me as they are the exact items I asked him about several weeks ago. I am still looking for five indexes and would appreciate a lead:

1992* Vol 182 Jul-Dec (1 copy); 1993* Vol 181/182 Combined Annual Index {Blue Pamphlet} (1 copy); 1910 Vol 21 Jan-Dec (1 copy); 1912 Vol 23 Jan-Dec (1 copy); 1913 Vol 24 Jan-Dec (2 copies)

*time sensitive (priority)

Thank you in advance for any assistance/leads you may be able to provide!

I sadly do not have these 5 in my collection, I only date back to about 1920 with the indexes and there are still many holes I am looking to fill. Your best bet for finding them is ebay. ( I had bought many of mine on there as a lot. You should be able to get a pretty good deal.

Yeah I had posted these for Mel. I also posted the list on the YahooGroups! Nat Geo Collector's page as well.

Feel free to sign up there and post whenever, or just read past postings. Those guys are very knowledgeable and some had dealings with Roger Nathan, Edwin Buxbaum's widow.

- Scott S.



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