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National Geographic Collection Available in Montgomery County, Maryland

Good day,

Inquiring if anyone would be able to use a collection of National Geographic magazines complete from 1961 through 2020 (about 60 years worth).  The magazines are in excellent condition, with those of the early 1960's in good condition.  The magazines are housed in purpose built magazine sleeves, each holding six months, which keep them easily organized on your library shelf.  In addition, I will provide a hardbound index to earlier volumes.   

I find my use for the collection has diminished and would like to provide it to anyone who could put it to good use; institutions preferred.  I live in the 20878 zip code of Maryland and would be willing to deliver the magazine collection within the local area, nominally Montgomery or Frederick counties.  If someone out of area would like the collection and is willing to pick it up, that too could be arranged between us.  I prefer to transfer the complete collection vice someone picking out a couple of magazines, which would diminish the collection. 

If you are interested, please contact me here or at  Put 'National Geographic' in the title if you contact me by email.

Regards, Keith McAllister

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